The Introvert Likes Football?

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Amelia's Pov

I was now in the field and made my way up the stairs to get a suitable spot on the bleachers. When I sat down I saw that the football team talking with each other, some were speaking to the coach whilst some wiped their sweats and drank some water. They looked exhausted, and I'm guessing this was their break.

I spotted Freddy on the field drinking water and talking to one of his football mates. And as if it was by coincidence that's when I saw him look at me. I waved at him with a slight smile.

Wait! Was that weird?

It's okay to wave at friends right?

Ahh, I don't know. This whole new friendship thing with a footballer is confusing.

He quickly said something short to his teammate before he raced up the stairs to meet me.

"Hey, I see you made it."he said in between breathes.

" Yeah. I see you're exhausted."I teased with a small giggle.

" You say it as if it's an offense, just try practising with coach one day and you'll know what an almost collapse experience feels like."

I giggled inwardly.

"Since you're here," he said. "You can just sit, relax and watch me in awe as I rock the field, In other words, show you my awesomeness in football."he said proudly as he flexed his muscles and stretched his arms.

" Or I could just sit, relax and -- read my book ."I said with a chuckle as I brought my novel out of my bag.

He just gave me a blunt look before out of nowhere somebody yelled. We both turned to see that it was his coach.

" Let's go! Let's go, Let's go! " the coached yelled at the top of his voice as he clapped his hands violently.

"Yeah, or you could do that boring thing."he said replying to my previous statement." I'm off."he stated before running down the stairs to meet his fellow teammates.

As they began their practise match I opened my novel to its bookmark and continued reading on from there. But I couldn't concentrate because its either one of the players were making noise or the coach or the ball itself. I decided to get my earphones from my bag and use them to destruct the noise as I listen to music and read my book.

Although the earphones helped a bit, I couldn't help but glance at the field every once in a while and before I knew it I closed my book, set it aside and was full on watching the match in front of me.

Here is the thing, I did have interest in the football sport but it's one thing I never spoke about to anybody, with my dad and little brother watching football games almost every weekend, of course sometimes I joined them and that's how my interest started developing.

One of Freddy's teammates passed him the ball and now he was racing towards the goal line. But the way I saw it, I didn't think he knew there were two guys from the other team closely behind him.

And out of nowhere,

Out of completely nowhere,

I yelled,


No doubt, everyone turned to the weird girl(me) with surprised, angry or confused looking faces including Freddy. And that's when I realized that I had just shouted like a crazy girl and drawn attention to myself.

But in the next second Freddy did exactly what I yelled out, he dodged the guy that was to his left and back before quickly spinning around and hitting the guy standing behind him to the right causing him to fall onto the ground.

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