Nathan problems

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Amelia's POV

"Amelia." Nathan said out quietly, not expecting to see me here. "Amelia, you're safe." He said before lunging towards me and embracing me in a hug.

I involuntarily looked over to Freddy and saw that he had a scowl on his face.

"Nathan hey, what are you doing here?" I said once he had let go from the hug.

"We had study sessions today remember? I came a few hours back and your mom was worried sick about you and told me she and Belle had gone looking for you. She was then called for an urgent meeting and asked me to stay here with Johnny until he fell asleep. He's asleep."

"What about my dad."

"Haven't seen him, probably working late at work."

Good, at least dad didn't know, I wouldn't want him to leave work to start searching for me.

Nathan had been so kind to stay here and take care of my little brother even though he had just come over to study with me.

"Thank you so much Nathan, for taking care of my brother. And I'm sorry for your coming all the way, I didn't even communicate that I wouldn't be available today."

"Nah, it's no problem. I'm just glad you're alright. Your mother had even told me that she knew you would be back soon, she was just worried about where and if you were safe. By the way, I'm sorry about your dog."

I looked to the ground for a second remembering Molly, "It's alright, thank you." I said with a slight smile.

His eyes flickered to the person behind me... Freddy.

"Hey Buddy, what's up?" Nathan said with a huge smile and a friendly tone.

Were him and Freddy actually buddies?

"Hey." He simply retorted with a hint of annoyance and the way he replied told me that they were indeed not buddies

Nathan moved from me and walked towards Freddy, clearly not getting the hint.

"Are you the one that found her? Thanks  alot bro, for bring her back to us!"

To us?

Why did he say it like that?

Freddy's face slightly hardened, it looked like he was really trying to keep his cool.

"I'm leaving Amelia," he started completely ignoring Nathan. "I'll see you..." He turned his face back to Nathan. "...sometime" he completed.

Oh no, I hope he didn't get the wrong ideas. Him seeing Nathan here was definitely a surprise and how we just spoke might hint to him that we're close and he comes every now and then, which is not the case.

Freddy backed away from him and started walking back towards his car.

"Freddy..." I called out to him, not knowing what to say next.

I didn't know what to say, but at the same time I didn't just want him to leave like that, with the wrong idea.

He eventually reached his car, got in and drove off.

Nathan turned to me with a questioning look on his face, and I could tell he was ready to ask alot of questions but I want ready for that.

"Thank you Nathan, really, for coming and everything. But I need to rest for a bit now."

"It's okay, you definitely need to rest your mind. See you tomorrow?"

"How about we postpone this study session for a bit, and I'll tell you when I'm ready for it again?"

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