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Amelia's Pov

"Ohh lord, please help me" Belle cried out, with her hands up in the air as a sign of surrender looking up to the roof.

I scowled, "You know I'm right in front of you right?"

"Yeah" she said  her eyes still looking to the roof.

"Belle, you promised me that you would help me out with this."

She finally looked at me. " I am helping you Lia, but you aren't getting it." she stated.

" Don't over exaggerate, I don't think I'm that bad." I said as I tried doing the moon walk.

"You are not moon walking Lia, you're just walking backwards."she cried.

"Hey girls, how's the dance practice going?" My mom said as she approached the living room. We needed a larger space for the practice, so we decided to do it in the living room.

As soon as Belle saw the chocolate chip cookies she jumped of the couch and raced to the table and begun to devour the cookies.

"Thank you miss Harper," she said in between mouth fulls. "I really need the energy to stay alive during this practice."

"Mom, does this look like I'm walking backwards?" I did the moon walk so she could see.

She widened her eyes in amazement, she looked shocked and a bit worried. "Um-uhh, jus... just a little bit."

"Okay... How about this" I tried the dance move again. Belle stopped eating and stared at me whilst my mom slightly opened her mouth. "Welllll, how was it?"

"Now you were just dragging your feet on the floor, backwards."

"I see you guys have things to do, I'll be upstairs if you need me." my mom said, she really didn't want to be part of any of this.

I kept on trying the dance move when, Johnny walked through the door. He came in with a smile, "Hey mom, I'm back." But when his face landed on me dancing he dropped his bag along with the test paper he was holding and frowned.

"What kind of horrible punishment is this? I passed my test not failed it. "

"Very funny Johnny." I said dryly.

"The kid's right, this is pure punishment." Belle said with cookies in her mouth.

"Just stick to your cookies" I said a little bit annoyed.

"Where's mom, I want to show her what I got in my Maths test." He said after approaching me and waving his Maths paper in my face.

"A 100%, that's great Johnny, I'm proud of you." I congratulated him. "Mom's upstairs, possibly in her room."

"Okay, I just have one question. Why are you dancing in our living room?" he asked curious.

"I'm practicing for the dance audition."

He walked over to Belle and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll pray for you."

"Thank you." she whispered back. After that he raced up the stairs.

"You guys really think I'm that bad that you need to pray to survive to see me dance." I said.

"Let's continue with the practice, we can't give up now." she replied.

Fred's Pov

I rushed out from my car and pushed open the front door. But I didn't see anyone, but I heard someone pleading.


I immediately raced up the stairs and in front of my bedroom's door, I saw  my mother's hands being held up tightly by a strange buff guy. I ran to them.

I didn't know who this man was, but I didn't like what he was doing to my mom. I pushed him on the chest. Hard. "Let go of her" I said in an enraged tone.

"Freddy be careful." she cried.

He stumbled from the push, but he still kept one of his hands around my mother's hands.

"Didn't you hear me?" I pulled him by his collar, this dude just made me mad.

"Oh, good, son you're back." my father  said in a calm and casual voice

I turned to face him, he was in my room. "What the f*ck are you doing here?" I demanded.

"Woah, hold on there boy. Hasn't your mother taught you anything about your choice of words. Anyway as you can see one of my men, is helping me in packing your things." he said.

Now I know this man is just crazy.

"Packing my things to were?"

"Your new house son, that's were we are going to be staying after the marriage. But I thought, you'd just come and start leaving there today."

I didn't know what to say. At this moment I wanted to hit him. Hard. Hard. Hard. But I couldn't. I was just a whole new kind of mad.

"Get out of here." I commanded, bitterness laced every word.

"But son-"he started. I grabbed the neck of the guy who was holding the hands of my mom, now my mother was loosened from his grip. There was no mirror nearby, but I'm sure my face changed color. I could feel the heat escaping from my face, my breathing became dangerously heavy. Everybody there including my mother had a look of horror on their faces. The man was suffocating.

"Okay son, okay, we'll leave." He said calmly.

"NOW!" I shouted.

"Okay, men let's go" he said. I left the suffocating man, and him and the other guy who was packing my clothing begun to walk behind my father. As they walked to the front door, the suffocating man, was coughing vigorously.

Before my father closed the door, he looked back and said, "This is not over  Adriana." He then shut the door.

Immediately my mother fell into my arms and cried her heart out.


The next morning, I got up pretty early for school, because I didn't want to stress my mom. I walked over to her room's door and through the small opening, I saw that she was sound asleep. I felt a bit relaxed, she really needed the rest.

I called her closest friend to come check on her whilst I'm at school. My mom's a strong woman, I knew she would get better soon.

I warmed a left over sandwich for breakfast entered my car and drove off to school.


A little short, I'll make the other one longer
Pls comments and votes ^-^

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