Turning point

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Amelia's Pov

"AHHHH!!" She screamed

"Belle, are you okay?" I loudly whispered, concerned.

"Oh my guacamole!!!" She yelled again.

"Belle ..."

"Yesssss I knew it!! Framelia...Ameleddy...Frelia, yes Frelia!! Is goals! Yes, I knew it. I called it from the very beginning, I just knew it! Hashtag Frelia" she yelled once more.

"Belle you're making alot of noise, You might wake my family up." I pressed

Thank goodness though, that this was a phone call. It was around 2:30 am in the morning, Freddy had just dropped and I made the crazy decision of calling my best-friend and tell her all that had happened yesterday and today.

At first when she picked the call she sounded tired and sleepy amd I felt bad for calling her at such a late hour but immediately I had mentioned Freddy she was suddenly wide awake, and with every part of the story I told her she got even more hyper and hyper like she had drank a whole gallon of coffee!

She even asked if she could come over at this time of the night to see me and hear the story well, or if she could just skip school tomorrow and come to my house but I declined for obvious reasons. Woof...Belle was a ball of unpredictable energy...but at the same time the best.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry." She said in a lower voice, but excitement still evident in her voice, "So he kissed you first, then you kissed him second?!"

I dropped my head to my pillow, "Please can we talk about this after school tomorrow?"

"It's the fact that I called this!" She said ignoring me, "I called this from the very beginning, but you were always like 'there's nothing like a love story here Belle' well look at this now, Haha!" She said dramatically as I heard her clap her hands, " Not only am I a Cupid, but a Cupid with vision!"

I yawned, "That's very nice Belle, but please can we talk tomorrow, I'm literally so tired, I could use some sleep."

"Lia, you don't just drop a bomb of a story like that on me and tell me you want to sleep. I have so many unanswered questions!"

"Please Belle, tomorrow..." I said feeling more and more sleepy by the second.

She sighed, "Oh alright! Because I'm a very amazing and understanding friend I'll let you sleep, but I want answers tomorrow girl!"

"Yes ma'am."

"Great, goodnight my love stricken friend."

I rolled my eyes, "Goodnight Belle."


I woke up around 9 am, a little later than usual, which was because I slept really late. I did wake up with a smile plastered on my face though, and I'm sure my mom would have noticed but her and dad had to leave early for work today. Johnny had left for school too.

I did my chores, made lunch and did some studying, but every now and then my mind would drift off to the adventure Freddy and I had been on yesterday. From coming to my rescue on the cliffs, to taking me sky diving, to Starbucks ...it was all just amazing.

My phone rung and I picked it up to see that it was a call from Belle.

"Heyooo dear friend! It's break time in school, we have 30 minutes to chat before I go for my next lesson."

Oh Of-course, how did I think she would forget.

"Really Belle? Have you even eaten yet?"

"Who needs food when this is the real tea?" She exclaimed.

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