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It's Amelia not Amehila." I corrected.

" Oh. I haven't actually heard a weird name like that before, so it's going to take sometime getting used to."he said.

"My name is not weird, it unique just like I am."I retorted. Not that I actually believed I was unique, I just did not want him to teasing my name also. He was breaking the first rule that said no teasing. It would be actually shocking if he obeyed any of these rules.

He just looked at me. I hated to admit it but his black t-shirt had a way of bringing out his crystal gleaming blue eyes. It's funny that there was something to admire about his mean self.

I waited for him to laugh at me again, but this time he did not. He just nodded slightly and slowly as he said, "Interesting."in a solemn tone.

" Anway, "he said returning back to the main topic," As you already know, I'm Freddy. I'm the greenclaws quarterback and I'm seventeen."He said in a brief statement.

Because we were actually getting somewhere, I did not want to be the one to bring it down so I also introduced myself," I'm Amelia, but you can call me Lia for simplicity. I'm sixteen years old and I don't really participate in any sports, but I do like watching football games. My family consists of four people; my dad, mom, me and my little brother."I said with a little smile. ."You forgot to mention your family. "

"Oh, yeah," he said a little nervously like he did not expect me to ask that question. He put his fingers through his wavy hair. " Well in my family, we are two I mean three." he stuttered." That's my mom, me and my father."I noticed he mumbled over the word father, and used that term rather than using the word 'dad' which may not be a problem but the way he said it shows some kind of detest, I also noticed his eyes turn a darker shade of blue has he said the word father. I felt the urge to ask if he was okay, but I did not want to earn another laugh from him because of showing sympathy for him,so I pushed the urge away.

"Do you have any hobbies?" I asked him, changing the previous subject.

"No, not really," he said returning back to his casual self. "I gym, practice and practice, I play video games sometimes and I rarely draw."

I nodded at what he said. Finally there was progress.

"As for me, I love reading novels, and taking my favorite dog that leaves in an animal shelter for a walk."I hesitated a bit and adjusted my glasses before saying," I also like dancing." I regreted saying it as soon as those words left my mouth. Talking about dancing would only remind me of the embarrassing moment on Friday and the dance class I'm not in.

"Do you know how how to dance?" he asked me when he saw that I hesitated.

"Well not particularly." why could I not just shut up? I continued "Belle, my mom, dad, practically everyone that has seen me dance don't think that I'm a good dancer, sometimes I also feel the same."I said.

"Can I see?" he asked.

"You mean see me dance?" I asked him confused.

"Yeah."he replied.

"Oh no. I don't think you want to see me dance, I may probably be the worst dancer you will ever come across." I said trying to make him understand.

He chuckled slightly at my insecurity, but not in a very rude way though. "Amelia, if you love dancing then you should join the dance class." he said.

"No, I don't think they will accept me." I said as I looked down to my fingers on the table. Kylie was in the dance class, after humiliating me on Friday, I do not think she expects to see me anywhere around her. But if I remember correctly, after embarrassing me with all those food stuff she said that I passed the auditions. Even if I was legally allowed in dance class, I am very sure that she would kick me out immediately I just make a dance move.

"Look, if you are really passionate about dancing then you should go ahead and join dance class. It doesn't really matter if you are a good dancer or not. Their job is to teach you and help you become better in what you are doing."he adviced me.

Wow! I really did not expect to receive any sort of encouraging words from him at all. But he did give me something to think about.

Just a few seconds later someone walked through the door. Freddy and I turned to see who it was. It was Johnny, who was just from school.

"Mom!" he screamed and scanned the lounge, his eyes then landed on Fredirico and I. He stopped screaming, dropped his bag on the floor,his mouth was agape, he walked towards the dining.

"Wow! Lia, you actually have a boyfriend." he said in complete awe, shock and disbelief as he looked at Fredirico.

I rolled my eyes at him then shut my eyes and slammed my head on my palm. This was really embarrassing for me, how could he just say that? What did Fredirico think of me now?

He just chuckled at Johnny's surprised look, "What's your name?" he asked.

"My name's Johnny, Lia's younger brother. What's yours?" he asked in an authoritative voice.

I opened my eyes slightly to the unfolding conversation in front of me. "I'm Freddy." he stated simply.

Johnny leaned to me still looking at Fredirico and whispered into my ear, which was loud enough for Fredirico to hear. "This Freddy guy is pretty good looking Lia." he said. Freddy chuckled at his words.

I felt so embarrassed. Did he really have to talk that loud?

"Who were you looking for again?" I immediately asked to stop him from whisper shouting.

He stood up straight and faced me. "Oh yeah. I was looking for mom, where is she?"

"She's at work and she told me to tell you to take a shower and do your homework when you get back."

"I'll take a shower, come back to eat some food then do my homework."he said correcting me.

He looked at Fredirico then looked at me again." I'm leaving." he said with a small smile as he backed away from the table. He also winked at me which I rolled my eyes at, luckily Fredirico did not see him winking.

Johnny then walked back towards the table, but to where Fredirico was seated.

"I've got my eyes on you." he squinted his eyes at Freddy and warned, has he pointed his two fingers at his eyes then at Fredirico's eyes.

Fredirico smiled, I think he found my brother's behavior amusing. "Yes sir." Fredirico jokingly replied. Johnny finally walked out of the dining, picked up his school bag and ran upstairs, Fredirico watched him as he did that.

"I'm sorry about what he said, he doesn't know about the frendzation program."

Fredirico turned to face me, "Nah, it's cool. I like little guy."he said with a giggle.

Belle then came out from the kitchen with some cookies that she was eating. I forgot that she was there this whole time.

"Its almost 6:00. So I guess you guys are done for the day."

Fredirico stood up and stretched his arms, his muscles vividly showing with every stretch he did."Yeah, I better get going."he said before walking towards the door.

"See you tomorrow?" Belle asked as he reached for the door.

"Yeah, sure." he answered. "Maybe your friend can she show me how she dances." he said with a slight chuckle. I just kept quiet.

"Bye." he finally said before opening the door and walking through it.

"Bye Freddy." Belle said waving at him with a smile.
"Bye Fredirico."I said.

And then he closed the door.

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