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I woke up at the sound of the alarm, lazily put it off and almost went back to sleep but then I instantly remembered...

I'm going to be late for school.


After crucially thinking about it,I finally decided to go to school. My mom and dad also spoke to me last night, they said that it's part of high school and that I should move forward. They also suggested that they come to school and contact Kylie's parents. Of course I immediately disagreed, I did not want any kind of trouble with her again.

I got up from bed, took a shower, dressed into my uniform tied my hair into a low pony tail and took a good look at myself in the mirror.

Was I really doing this? Was I really going to school today? I thought to myself.

I took in a deep breath and let it out.
"I have to do this" I muttered to my reflection in a low voice before adjusting my glasses, grabbing my bag from the sofa, (where I had spent long hours doing my homework yesterday) and walking out my room's door.

As I walked down the stairs I heard a hoot from a car outside. Belle was here. I continued walking down the stairs in the same pace, I did not feel the need to rush. Was I really making the right decision going to school?

I was trapped in my thoughts when I saw someone waving a hand in front of me. I looked in front of me abstractly. It was my mom.

"Hey honey, are you okay? " she asked as she placed a bowl of cereal in front of Johnny.

I was so lost in my thoughts I had not even realized I was in the kitchen.

"Common mom, she's a teenage girl, she's probably not okay." he said in his typical casual tone.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Very funny Johnny." I turned to face my mom."Good morning mom and don't worry I'm fine." I said with a small smile.

"Thats good to hear. Here's your breakfast and hurry Belle is waiting for you."

"Oh, right." I was keeping Belle waiting. I took the toast she gave me, "Thanks mom." I said and ran towards the door.

"All the best honey."
"Good luck big sis." my mom and brother said in unison.

Just before I went of the door I turned to them and said with a warm smile, "Thank you." They are really the best family members.

I closed the door and ran towards Belle's car. She was leaning on the car door and tapping her fingers on the hood of the car.

When she looked at me she stood up straight and smiled. "I'm sorry for taking time." I said has I stopped in front of her. She came forward and hugged me.

I was confused, was she not supposed to be angry?

She moved away and said, " I'm so happy that you finally decided to come to school." The joy was evident in her eyes and tone.

" Don't get too excited, I've already made arrangements to come back home if anything goes wrong." I said as I walked over to the passenger seat.

She let out a chuckle." You can be really impossible sometimes Lia."she said as she entered the car. She started the engine and we were off to school.


The bell had just rung for Math, meaning it was time for our next class.

So far so good, four lessons had gone but there were some laughs from here and there, the good part though was that Belle was always by my side. Whenever she heard someone giggle, she shut them down by just giving them a look or muttering out a few loaded words.

Funny that my best friend is someone confident and I'm the opposite.

But now, sadly, it was time for the both us to go to different classes. The good thing, is that I had not even seen the GGGs today but what if I bumped into them later on?, and worse still, how would I react to them without Belle by my side?

Belle and I walked out of Math class together. "Are you sure you can't swap into my class just for today?" I asked with a desperate look on my face.

"Lia, I've told you, you don't need to worry. They can't do anything to you." she stated.

"How are you so sure?"I asked.

" Because If they try anything I will teach them a lesson they will never forget. I've got to go now, my class is starting ."After saying that she turned and started walking down the hall.

Not even five seconds passed and I already felt scared." BELLE! " I called out.

Instead of walking back to me she just turned and faced me." Don't be scared Lia, I'll see you at lunch okay. Bye." she gave me a small smile before turning to her front and continued walking. In no time she dissappeared into the crowds of people in that hallway.

I turned to look to the corridor where my class was. I was nervous but at the same time I could not be tardy for class so I started walking down the passage, slowly and carefully.

I looked to my right and for the first time today I saw the GGGs, they were standing by some lockers. They looked at me and started giggling amongst themselves.

I instantly faced my front and walked faster with my head facing down. I felt bad. I wish Belle was here. Lost in my thoughts and not watching where I was going I hit a hard wall.

"Hey, watch where you are going!" the wall retorted.

Wait a minute.

I looked up.

It wasn't a wall.

It was Fredirico.

Oh nooooo!

And the GGGs were behind me.


I did not even know what to do at that moment or what to feel. Fredirico looked at me after adjusting his shirt."Oh, it's you." he said more calmly than he was before.

I just looked at him still frozen. Then out of no where I ran, I ran past him as fast as I could without even answering him. As I ran I heard the GGGs burst out into fits of laughter.

I did not have time to feel bad now, what I was worried about was getting out of there as quick as possible. I entered the ladies room, and immediately entered one of the unoccupied toilets. I did not even have time to look at the other people in the rest room who were probably wondering why I was running.

I locked the door and leaned on it. My heart was racing. I breathe in and out continously trying to catch my breath.

That was horrible.

I was agitated.

I just pray and hope that Kylie did not get any wrong ideas.


Oh, oh.
How do u think Amelia is feeling?

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