Not going anywhere

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"AMELIA?!" I shouted in horror as I started running towards her.

"FREDDY!" She screeched back.

"Amelia... Amelia I'm coming just hold on."

"Freddy, I'm... scared."she cried.

I reached near the edge of the cliff, but not the end of it, because the ground looked really slippery and had many small rocks, if I walked any closer I may just ending up falling too.

And the worst part was that I couldn't even reach Amelia.


What was I going to do now?!

My heart had never beat so fast, I didn't know what to think or do. Argghh!!

I ran my fingers through my hair trying to come up with something...a plan... anything.

I was desperate.

Amelia looked down, and let out a scream.

"Amelia, don't look down, do not! Okay, I'll have you out of there in a moment."

Looking around me and seeing there was nothing else I could do, I started walking towards the end of the cliff as gently but as fast as I could. Stretching out my hand Infront of me so she could grab when it was near enough for her to.

"Freddy no!! Don't even come this side, you might just fall too. And I wouldn't forgive myself if you fell because of me."

"Do you think I'd forgive myself if YOU fell, and I could have done something??"

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Freddy just leave me's okay just let me fall, okay, I'm a mess... A confusing whole mess, who doesn't even deserve to be cared for by you... I mean I even--"

She was cut off by her hand slipping of the cliff, meaning only one of her hands we as holding her.

She let out a scream and I felt my heart drop what was I going to do.

"Amelia! Just hold on okay. I'll get you out."

"Freddy stop! Just let me finish what I'm saying...I even pushed you away from my life, when all you e been to me I'd good. Just leave me I don't deserve your care!"

"Can you stop saying that!! I'm not going anywhere okay... we're getting out of here together!"

I was seriously sweating right now, trying to put my hand out to save her but also scared that we may both end up falling.

But then suddenly at the corner of my eye...I saw something...a rope.


I looked at her, simply communicating that I had a plan. I could see she was struggling holding onto the cliff so I had to hurry.

I ran towards the rope and back to the rock she was resting on earlier on. I tied the rope on it, and on my body firmly before I approached her. I was finally able to reach the end of the cliff.

"Amelia, give me your free hand"

"But if I bring that hand up, all the weight of my body is going to transfer to my other hand that's holding me and--"

"Enough of science. Just give me your me."

She did exactly as I told her and the next second her hand was in mine and I held on to it firmly.

"Good, good, okay know your other hand"

She gave me her other hand and Immediately she did that, I pulled her onto the ground.

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