Have To Obey The Rules

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He really remembered that I told him that I don't know how to dance.

And he is using that as his wish!

"Ohhh, this is good" Belle said as she chucked with amusement."So that's what you wanted to use your wish for?"

"Nope! I'm not dancing." I instantly said as I folded my arms.

Yeah I had expected his wish to be much worse but even though it was something as simple as dance, I was not going to do it.

I'm not that good of a dancer. Does he want me to humiliate myself in front of him?

"Why not?" he asked indifferently.

"Because I don't want to embarrass myself. I told you I'm not good at dancing and you want to use that to your advantage?" I asked with a frown.

"No, I just want to see you dance." he said with the same casual voice as he gave me a cunning smile.

I turned my head to the side, "Nope, still not doing it."

There is no way I would dance in front of anybody anymore after today's experience in dance class.

He gasped before putting his hand on his chest, "But that would be breaking the frendzation rules and regulations."he said with an innocent look on his face but in a mocking tone.

I squinted my eyes at him, "You don't even care about the rules or regulations." I said.

He chuckled before turning to Belle, "What do you think?" he asked.

Ha! Nice try Fredirico, Like my best friend is going to betray me and allow that to happen.

"Uhhh -- I think you'll have to do just that." she said.

"Belle!" I shouted. Was she really doing this to me?

"I'm sorry Lia but that's his wish and it's frendzation rules to follow commands."she explained.

" But--"I started but she cut me off.

" And it's not like he's telling you to wash his gym clothes or be his personal assistant in school so I guess you'll just have to dance."

I scowled my face, folded my arms even tighter and said threw gritted teeth," Fine."

Fredirico had the widest victorious smile ever," See you on Saturday."he said before he walked out of the door and closed it.

When I was very sure he was out of hearing distance I screamed," I can't believe you Belle!" I walked back to the lounge and sat down.

"I'm sorry Lia but that's the rules and has your coach I need to make sure that rules are followed." she reasoned out.

"Okay, but at least be here with me."

"I'm sorry I can't, thanks to dance class, Cheerleading Practice has been moved to other days of the week including Saturdays." she said, "Stupid Kylie."she muttered.

" Ohhh no!!! I'll be too nervous to dance in front of him, if you'd be there then it would be better." I said, I was having a nervous break down.

" No need to freak out Lia, it's not that horrible, maybe he could even want to help you with your dancing."

I gave her a dumbfounded look," I'm pretty sure the only thing he wants to do is laugh at me that day. Like he probably has nothing to do on Saturday so he wants me to use 'my
comedian' styles- " I put air qoutes around the word my comedian since he sees me as a comedian, "-to make him laugh. Then on school on Monday he's going to probably tell everyone in school how much of an embarrassment I am to the art of dancing."I said I one breathe.

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