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Andy's Pov


How was this happening. Why was this happening.

"Yeah it me. Why wouldn't I come. Its a siblings dance right. Don't I get the last dance" he asks walking towards me slowly.

I feel my body starting to shake each time he takes a step towards me.

"You are not my brother. You mean nothing to me" I say walking back.

"Oh right cause you have a new family now. You really got lucky didn't you. Adopted by the Chris Evans. Big shot for you huh. What do you do steal his money? You can use his fame to such good use. Do you sleep with any of his co stars without him knowing cause thats the only thing you are good at. Such a slut." he says walking forward while his words come at me like knives.

"You know nothing about me and my family." I say angered my his words.

"Oh please now you are pretending that they are your family. They aren't your family. You were adopted. You are just going to destroy Chris's life and everybody else. You don't deserve to live. Especially with Chris's family. You put me in jail and thought I would move on from that? You did the same with my dad. Mom ran away with your help and you here are enjoying your life with another family. You don't deserve that"  he spits at me. His words hurt but when he said I was destroying their lives I can't explain what I am feeling.

I stand there too stiff to move but once he comes more close I start to take quick steps back.

"I hope you had a good time with your so called family cause you are never going to see them again." he says with a smirk and I freeze.

But before I can register his words he walks up to really fast and swings his hand. All I feel is a strong blow to my head and then black.


Scott's Pov

As soon as Andy walks away from us a few of the students that were there approach is for pictures. Both Chris and I take pictures with them for a good 6 - 7 minutes when I realize Andy was not back yet which was odd.

"Hey Millie would you go check on Andy please" I ask her once all the students are gone.

"Yeah I was thinking of doing the same. Its been a while since she went." She says and walks towards the bathroom when I look at Chris and he has the same confused expression.

"Whats taking her so long" Chris asks after two minutes of us waiting. On queue Millie enters the hall but frantic which makes me nervous instantly.

"Whats wrong"Chris asks Millie seeing her breathless state.

"I looked for her in the bathroom and everywhere else but I couldn't find her. I just found her clutch outside the bathroom door." She shows the clutch to Chris and he instantly looks at me. Understanding his mind I start running towards the bathroom along with him and Millie.

We reach the bathroom door and Chris asks her to check once more. We walk to the end of the hall way to see if she is there anywhere but we no signs of Andy. Chris quickly pulls his phone out and starts calling her.

"There is nobody in there" I hear Millie say from behind me.

"Straight to voice mail." Chris says under his breath and redials her number.

"Chris I'm going to call James" I tell him and pull my phone out and he nods back.

James is a friend of mine that both Chris and I have known for years and he is in the police department.

The Right EmbraceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora