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We drove for a while. We stopped once to get ice cream and then kept driving. Mostly in silence except when we stopped for ice cream. just a couple of minutes after we stopped for ice cream Scott stopped the car at an empty park. It was beautiful. It had a small lake surrounded by trees and benches to sit on. I look up at him and he motions his eyes for me to get out of the car.

We both get out and start walking towards the bench. Once we reach we sit down in silence again sharing each others ice cream. Unlike Chris, he likes it sweet which was nice.

"Whats on your mind" I get pulled out of my thoughts.

"Nothing" I say looking ahead.

He nudges my arm, making me look at him "Come on tell me."

"I was just thinking how you like your ice cream sweet like I do and he likes it bitter sweet" I say making Scott laugh.

"Yeah he likes it bitter sweet. No idea how or why. But whats been in you head since we left the house. You have been really quite." he asks catching me off guard. I really don't know though. It was all mixed up in my head.

"I don't know" I say looking away.

"Hey look at me" I look at him, now with a serious look on his face. "Its okay you can talk to me sweetie. There is nothing wrong in feeling whatever you are feeling. If you feel bad spill it out if you feel confused say it. There is nothing wrong baby." he says wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I take a couple of minutes cause this is all so new to me. 

"I he just left so quickly and I didn't expect that." I tell him still not looking at him. I didn't know how to put my thoughts into words.

"I know he left quickly and you didn't get to spend time with. You were really excited that he was coming back and its natural to feel bad baby. I would to. Anyone would. Nothing wrong."

That's when I realize. That is what I am feeling.

I'm hurt

"I don't know why though. Its his life I shouldn't be hurt about it he is a busy person and he had to be somewhere so he left so it shouldn't matter and I did miss him but its his work and its his girl friend I shouldn't feel like that." I ramble away putting everything in one sentence.

Damn it I need to breath

Next thing Scott holds my face with both his hands and makes me look at him.

"Hey hey look at me. Don't ever say that do you understand. Never say that. You are our sister. You are our life. You are family. You have every right to feel bad if one of us behaves like that. I don't want you to feel like that anymore. Do you understand. I don't know why he did that cause he never does that but you have every right to ask him. I don't want you to keep that in you. Okay?" he explains and all I can do is nod.

We sit there talking about other random things like my project and his work and other detective stuff cause both of us loved things like that.



She didn't say anything when I told her all that. Only now did I realize that she thought like that. I don't want her to feel that way. I know where its all coming from. She never really had a proper family before us. This isn't right. I need to fix this cause my little sister is not feeling that way.

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