Deal with it (2)

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Andy's pov

I peddled my bike a way to the park and stopped when I needed to catch my breath. The place I stopped at was the part of the park where people didn't normally come too. It was a big park and I was on the greener side of it so people normally kept to the other side cause it was easier to walk there. 

I lean my bike against a tree and sit down next to it, under a tree. It was morning but the weather was nice. Looked like it was going to rain in the evening.

I sat there thinking over everything she said.

Possessive , I hate that word.

I was called that so many times by Ben's family. I can't even call them my family. Even though they were horrible people they said that I was being possessive over Ben's mother. She was the only one that treated me well. With the days I spent there I grew to hate that work after being called that so many times. I hate it when people are possessive and I hate it when people call me that but now I feel like I got punched in the stomach really hard. I never meant to be possessive over Chris. That is never some thing I wanted to be. Especially with Chris or this family in general. Of all people I know how it feels to not have anybody. I know how it is to be alone in this world. I would never take any of this for granted.

Reading the comments online was one thing. It hurt. But this is different. I can't really explain it.

Will I be made to go back to the orphanage? Have I lost this them?

I was so deep in thought that a small movement next to me and a hand on my shoulder freaked the hell out of me. I jump and look to my left and see Scott.

"Whoa relax. Its just me. I looking for you but thought you would be on this side of the park" he explains sitting next to me. I look away in front of me. I had no idea what to say. I didn't think he would come looking for me. I told them I was just going for a ride on my bike.

"Talk to me" he nudges my arm with his elbow.

"Nothing" I say in return. What if I make things worse.

"Hey what did I tell you yesterday. There is nothing you need to hide from me. Whats going on in that mind of yours? You left the house so suddenly and you didn't look okay even though you tried to pretend. Andy look at and tell me whats wrong." he says not giving up.

"I'm just sad that he is leaving today" I lie. Or at least half lie. I was sad that he was leaving so soon but that is not what hurt me so much.

"Okay look I understand that him leaving today was a sudden thing and you wanted to spend more time but I also understand very well that if that was the only thing in your mind then you would be at home right now with him, who is still at home by the way, and spend all the time you get rather than out here. So why don't we talk about whats actually going on." he says pushing it further and I still don't look at him. On the other hand I try getting up to avoid his question. "Its nothing else" I say and start walking.

Before I can take two steps. Scott stops me by holding my wrist. "Don't walk away trying to avoid the question Andy talk to me" he pushes further and this time I snap. Its as though everything I wanted to yell at Sophie's face and everyone else was coming out now. In front of Scott.

"I hate it okay. I hate it when people say that" I yell at him and I can feel the moisture in my eyes.

"Say what sweetie" Scott asks still holding my hand.

"When they say I'm possessive." I say and it all comes out. I feel my knees going weak and the tears running down my cheeks. Nothing else.

Scott doesn't say anything. Instead he pulls on my arm and wraps his arms around me. We stay there while I cry.

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