A getaway (2)

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Andy's Pov.

The meeting had started and I was as usual drawing pictures of everybody in the room.

It was 12:40 when my earphones were pulled down and I saw Robert standing next to me.

"I want to see first" he says stretching his hand out for my drawing book.

I smile and hand it to him and he takes a seat next to me on the couch.

"Oh I love this one" he says looking at a charcoal drawing of him.

"Thanks" I say and look up to see Chris watching the two of us from the other end of the room. He smiles at me and I smile back. Just then everybody else come to look at my drawings.

"Oh my god this is so good" Scarlett says looking at the charcoal drawing. I smile back at her and lean on the arm rest of the couch. My head was hurting. The wound to be precise. I look at Chris again to tell him that but I see him walking up to me already. He understood just with my expression.

"Hurting?" he asks stoking my hair.

"Yeah it burns a bit." I say.

"Its time for your meds. We are going for lunch anyways. Come on." he says and I get up. Just then I see Mackie making fun of Tom. Everybody turns to look them.

"Aw the baby is cranky and needs his food. Come on guys" Mackie says making everybody chuckle. I look up at Chris and he mouths 'usual' telling me this happened often. I look back to them and see Tom rolling his eyes.

"I haven't eaten all day." he moves past Mackie and walks towards us. Mackie follow him and looks at me.

"You okay little one?" he asks looking at my expression.

"Yeah my heads hurting a little." I say pointing at the wounds.

"Aw come on lets go for lunch. Your brother is horrible." he says pulling me off the couch.

"Hey hey" Chris says throwing his hands up in the air. "What did I do now?" he asks.

"Nothing thats what. Useless" he says dragging me along and Chris punches his arm while I chuckle at their childish behavior. Chris narrows his eyes at me and I shrug telling him I did or said nothing. He rolls his eyes.

We all walk to the elevator and head to the floor below us for lunch. I walk put of the elevator with Mackie and Tom while Chris walks with Hemsworth and Sebastian.

We grab our food and sit at the long table. I sit down between Mackie and Tom and Chris sits across from me. I look at my food and see there were a couple of pieces of pickle in my food. I hate them. I slowly look ahead and see Chris talking to Robert. I try and reach for Chris's plate but before I can pull it towards me, he pushes his plate towards me without even looking at me.

I freeze for a second cause he wasn't even looking at me. I pull the plate close to me and put all the pickle in it and push it back to him. He looks at his plate and back at me with his 'narrow eye look ' and I grin at him.

"So your Chris's sister?" Tom asks me.

"Yeah." I nod

"I didn't know he had a sis-" I cut him off before he finishes.

"Adopted" I say looking at him.

"Oh" he says feeling a bit awkward.

"Its okay" I tell him smiling a little so that he doesn't stay tensed.

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