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Once I reached Boston I started on my school work right away. The big project thing needed some serious work. Going back to school was weird as I imagined cause of course people were looking at me weird. It was nice to have Millie by my side though. She would give good answers to everyone who looked at me weird and therefore it stopped.

God I love her for that

Millie and I still go to the library to work on our project. Scott has a had a break from his show now cause he finished the current season, which was nice because I got to spend a lot of time with him.

Chris texts me every day just like he said and we Face time whenever he can but for the past couple of days its been less. He must obviously be busy though.

Yesterday I was an important day in school. It was my test to see whether my project idea was good enough to become one of the best projects to turn into a resource material. I did my test but now I'm waiting here with Scott in the living room for the result which will come by email.

"Will you relax" Scott nudges me.

"I'm just nervous. I don't like waiting for something like this. Wish they told me yesterday itself." I say shaking my head. I really get nervous for things like this.

"I know but you are going to-" he stops talking and looks at me when we hear a ping from my laptop indicating that I got an email. He looks at me and I look at him getting more nervous.

"Open it already" he nudges me again and I quickly check my email. I stare at it for a second processing the whole mail. I turn to Scott with a blank expression and I see the worry on his face.

"Whats wrong?"he asks looking at my expression.

"They approved it." I say with the same expression before I slowly smile.

"Jeez girl what the hell you got me nervous" he says rubbing his hand over his face.

"They approved it so I move to the next level."I say smiling wide. He pulls me into a hug and kisses my head.

"I'm so proud of you girl" he says and I look at him smiling.

"Next level meaning they will check your whole project next?" he asks his left arm still around my shoulder.

"Yeah I have three months to finish it and submit it. They will look through that and give me corrections if there are any and then once everything is approved then they will print it." I explain.

"Oh thats cool. You should tell mom and Chris. Oh wait tell Chris when he comes tomorrow." he says giving me that idea.

Yeah. Chris is coming back tomorrow for a small break. Its been three months since I saw him so I am very excited. He is coming for a short while but its still some time with him.

"Yeah I'll tell him tomorrow. Thats a good idea." I say.

I quickly pull out my phone and call mom to let her know that I got approved. she was really happy and said we needed to celebrate this. She is so sweet.

Once I finish talking to mom I quickly Millie to know if she got it too. Thankfully she did so we start planning the next part of the project.

The rest of the day goes by in the library with Millie. Scott was going to pick me up once I was done with my work.



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