Miss You

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To the kindest person I know

To the best friend I could have ever asked for.

To my partner in crime

To my sister who will always be a big part of my life

This is for you.

Miss you


Chris's Pov

Its been a few days since my birthday. Thankfully my schedule changed and I could spend more time at home. I didn't feel like leaving after that day. Once Andy and I went downstairs we all packed up lunch and went the lake I took Andy when she joined the family. We had lunch together, played games and Andy as usual brought her camera and spent some time taking pictures. 

Currently I was sipping on my coffee. Dodger was sitting next to me. I just took him out for a walk and came back home. Andy should be awake by now and would come down for her cup of coffee. We planned to stay at home today and chill cause for the past few days we spent most of it out on walks or on long drives.

As I turn the page of my newspaper I feel Dodger sit up next to my feet and then run towards the stairs.  Seconds later I see Andy coming down the stairs. Sleep was written all over her face. I know for a fact that she wasn't up late working on her project cause she just submitted her work yesterday.

"Hey good morning" I say as she looks up at me.

"Morning" she responds rubbing her eyes and then looks down at Dodger and pets his head.

"Didn't sleep well? You look tired" I say as she walks up to the kitchen island where I was sitting.

"Couldn't sleep" she mumbles walking behind me to get her cup of coffee.

"Were you not feeling well? Why didn't you call me or come to my room honey?" I ask turning a little so I can see her.

"Nah didn't want to wake you up." She mumbles again.

"Hey look at me. I've told you this before. If you can't sleep or you're not feeling well you come find me or call me." I say as she pours herself some coffee.

"I know. I'm sorry. " she mumbles walking next to me. Right when she walks past me to her chair in from of me I stop her by holding her wrist.

"You okay?" I ask again cause even though I knew for a fact she wasn't I wanted her to tell me.

"Yeah I'm okay. Just tired cause I didn't sleep." she explains. Or should I say lying cause I know she is. She's not looking at me. She can never meet my eyes when she lies. She looks away.

"Okay" I simply say not wanting to push her. If she has something to say I want her to talk to me on her own. I asked her twice but I don't want to push her further.

"I um can I go out for a while. On my bike?" she asks taking a sip of coffee.

"Oh sure. Take your helmet. Will you be back for lunch or are you meeting Millie?" I ask her.

"Not sure. I'll let you know."She mumbles again. She's mumbling a lot today. Something she does when somethings on her mind.

"Okay I have a meeting in sometime so text me. I might not answer your call." I tell her. I get up from my chair and walk to the cupboard to grab a breakfast bar. She isn't going to eat anything more. I'm sure of it. She doesn't like breakfast normally but when she's down emotionally then she doesn't eat at all.

The Right EmbraceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora