Deal with it

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 Chris's Pov

Since the time I came home I haven't spoken to both Andy and Scott much. I am spending all my time with Sophie. I know we just started dating and I want this to go the right way. I don't have much time to spend with Sophie after I get back to work because she is going to be busy as well. I do want to spend time with Andy and Scott too. I feel bad that Andy wanted to tell me something but we had to go for the show. I was a little annoyed though that the show timing was still the same. Sophie got the wrong information and we left early when I could actually be at home for a while. I had just gotten back from work and I wanted to spend time at home. I did like spending time with Sophie though but when I came back yesterday night I was so tired. I could barely keep my eyes open. 

I woke up late in the morning, It was 10am. I rolled on my back and say Sophie asleep next to me. I slowly get off the bed trying not to wake her. I do my morning routine and head downstairs for my coffee. I hope both of them are there so we can have breakfast together. I walk down the stairs and I see Scott sitting on the chair but Andy is no where around. She wasn't in her room. I checked while crossing her room.

"Hey" I catch his attention and he turns to look at me.

"Hi" he responds looking up from his phone.

"Coffee?" I ask walking up to him.

"No. We already had coffee and breakfast. I have a meeting soon so I'm leaving now." he responds

"Where is Andy?" I ask. Where could she go. Maybe she is with mom.

"She is at the Library with her friend working on that project. She left an hour ago. She is going to be there till evening." he says and I instantly feel bad. I thought she would be home.

"Oh..Should I pick her up" I ask. At least I could do that.

"No she took her bike." Scott says

"Whoa wait she rode her bike there. Her hand is okay?" I ask. I don't want her to stress her hand and make it worse before it heals completely.

"Chill. I spoke to the doctor. She can ride her bike. She can't lift things that are heavy that's it. I need to go now I'll talk to you later." he says and gets up from the couch.

"Okay. See you later." I say and then I realize.

"Hey what did she want to talk to me about" I ask making him turn around.

"Not my thing to say. She was really excited to tell you. We thought that she could tell you once you were back home so let her tell you. Maybe in the evening if you have time" he says and walks away. I frown at his last comment. What was that for. Before I could think further I hear Sophie's voice from upstairs. She walks down smiling and I get carried away.


Andy's Pov

Chris was asleep when I woke up in the morning but for some reason I didn't want to stay at home. I don't know why. So I immediately texted Millie


hey you want to stick to the plan and work in the library today. Are you free?

Once I text her I get up to do my morning. As I finish I hear my phone ping. I get out of the bathroom and I walk up to my bed where my phone was.


Hey I am free but isn't Chris home. I thought you wanted to spend time with him.

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