Painful Sight

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Scott and I waited for another hour till the doctor walked out of the OT. We both stood up as soon as we saw her and she walked towards us. 

"Are you Andrea's family?" she asks looking at the two of us.

"Yeah we are her brothers" Scott answers and I nod. 

"The surgery was successful. She will be moved to a room shortly. You will be able to see her then. Lets talk in my office until then. "She says and waits for our response. Scott and I nod and follow her. 

Once we reach her office she asks us to take a seat and we do while she asks a nurse to bring Andy's medical file. She takes the file from the nurse and sits in her chair across us.

"The surgery was successful as I said before but she is going to need some time to recover, physically and emotionally. The medic would have told you the details on what happened right,her injuries etc" she asks 

"Yes she did but she said something about her ribs, that only you could tell us" I say placing my elbows on the table.

"Yes that, she just has a bad bruise there thankfully but the rest of her injuries....let me show you.." she says pulling out the X-rays from the file in front of her. 

"This is her wrist. That is her worst injury and it is going to take a while for it to heal, more than a month for sure so obviously no riding, no lifting heaving things and a couple of exercises will be taught to her which she needs to do to strengthen her hand. Her leg is not that bad. its just a crack as in a hair line fracture which will be fine in two or three weeks. She did hit her head bad and lost a lot of blood but no sever internal injuries and the wound will heal leaving a small scar which will fade away soon. Her ribs will need some time to heal as well because the bruise is quite bad but there are no breaks there. " She pauses to see if we are following and we nod

"She will be put on medication for a bit but she is young so most of the healing her body will do." She finishes. A nurse walks in and simply says "its done" and the doctor nods in reply. 

"She is in the room now, you guys can go meet her. She won't be awake for an hour or so but she is good." She says looking at the two of us. 

"Thank you so much doctor. For everything" I say getting up and Scott follows.

"Anytime. She is in room 202 same floor" the doctor says smiling.

We walk out of office and head to room 202. As we get close to the room I feel more tensed. I didn't want to see my sister in whatever state that she was inside. 

As we reach the room I look at the door and push it open, Scott right behind me. 

The sight was painful. Andy lying in bed with wires and bandages. It hasn't been a week since I brought her home and this is her state. I'm blaming myself, I know, but I can't help it. 

Scott and I walk up to either side of her bed and sit on the chair placed there. I look down at her left hand covered in bandages. I slowly run my hands over her head being very careful not to hurt her. I look at Scott who currently has his hand placed on Andy's right hand which is not injured badly but has a few mild scratches and tubes connected. He looks at me and his eyes are filled. Seeing his I feel my eyes filling up and I blink trying to make the tears go away but they roll down my cheeks instead.

Scott and I sit in silence for what feels like forever until I see Scott's head shoot up from resting on Andy's hand previously. I see him looking at her and I turn my head towards her. I lean forward and see her slowly opening her eyes, head faced towards Scott. 

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