Nervousness is an understatement

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I finish packing my things at around 11:30pm. I look at both my bags to check if everything is okay. One big suitcase for my cloths and a smaller one for all my other belongings. Once I have checked everything I sit on my bed and stare at the now empty wall that once had my drawings. Just then I hear a knock and I give permission for who ever it is to come in. Amy walks in and looks around the room.

"Is there something else to be done or have you finished everything on your own as usual?" She asks with a smile.

"All done, just a few things that I need for the morning are out" I say

"Good." She pauses before coming and sitting next to me.

"What's on your mind Andy?" She continues.

"Nothing, it's just, I don't know....I just have mixed feelings. Mostly nervous I guess" I say

Even though I am a very quite person, I have always been open and verbal with Mary and Amy. Especially Amy as she is closer to my age and she somehow understands my mind before I say anything.

"I know honey, it's natural to feel that way, especially with your past experience."  I look down to my hands when she mentions my past.

"It's been really hard for you. They have hurt you a lot but I will tell you this, even though it's hard you should move on Andy. You are a strong, bright and a kind girl who deserves much more in life than what has happened. And finally something good has come your way. It will definitely be strange and you will feel uncomfortable for a while. It's natural for that to happen after what you went through. There will be fear when you step into anything new, but try to move past that"

I look at her when she pauses

"Try not to look at everyone the way you look at your past. I promise you that you will have a happy life at your new house. You just have to go with a new mind even though it's hard. Will you try, for me?" She asks in her soft voice

I blink a couple of times and tears roll down my cheeks. It definitely is fear and nervousness I am feeling but as Amy said I have to move past that. 

I nod at her and she pulls me into a hug seeing the tears. I gladly accept the hug and place my head on her shoulder.

"We will miss you Andy. Promise me you will be strong and more importantly will be yourself okay? Love you Andy"

"I'll miss you too. Love you " I say pulling back with a smile on my face.

"Ok it's late" she says getting up from the bed. "Get some sleep. Good night"

"Good night Amy".

I lay back and stare at the ceiling. Be positive, I tell myself but the only thing I can think of is all the complexity that comes with being the Chris Evans's sister. The kind of reactions from people etc. It's such a new world to me I think to myself. Of course I am on Instagram and other social media platforms and I clearly can see the different reactions of people. I try to push those thoughts away and close my eyes. I slowly feel my eye lids getting heavy and I don't fight it.

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