Civil War Literally

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Andy's Pov

It was literally a civil war on the plane. All I heard after tom's voice was Hemsworth shouting. After that he comes and pulls Tom into a headlock and then it was a civil war. Boys being boys.

Scarlett and I move a few seats and sit away from the whole fight. Chris was part of the whole goofing around. The mess went on for a few minutes until they got tired. Chris walks up to the seat I was sitting in and drops down on the seat next to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to him.I lean on to him with my back against his chest and he rests his head on mine.

Robert and Sam were arguing about something with Jeremy and we were all watching. These people can be so hilarious. Especially when Robert starts his diva act.

"Oh please you guys know nothing. He is much better at that. Not as good as me though, Never." Robert says making Jeremy scoff.

I had no idea what they were talking about but just seeing them argue was so entertaining.

I slowly feel my eyes getting heavy but I try to stay awake.

"Sleep for a but if you want. We have three more hours left" Chris whispers.

Of course he knew I was sleepy. I don't fight anymore. I rest my head on his chest and fall asleep. I feel Chris pull a blanket on me to keep me warm. After that it was all black. 


Tom's Pov

I was sitting on one of the seats across from Andy and Chris. I was looking around when I saw Chris pull Andy close to him and she was leaning on him. They looked so cute together. I see Andy's eyes slowly close but she was fighting it. She looked tired. Chris whispers something and she decides to fall asleep. I t was really sweet to see them.

I really wanted to know what happened to her. I can see the bandage on her forehead and each time she winces when she gets up from her seat like she has a wound on her stomach or ribs.

Everyone here knew about what happened to her. I knew that yesterday at the meeting when everybody rushed to talk to her and hug her. I could see the relief in Robert's eyes when he saw her walk into the room.

I didn't want to ask her though. I've just met her and I don't want to invade her privacy. I haven't known her for that long to ask her about things like that.

I look back at them again snapping out of my thoughts.

Andy was fast asleep and Chris was stroking her hair.

I couldn't talk to her today. It was nice to talk to her yesterday. She was really nice. Maybe once she wakes up..


Chris's Pov

We were all sitting and talking and I had Andy in my arms, fast asleep.

Just then I feel her squirm. First thing in my mind was that she was having a nightmare but thankfully I was wrong. She was just waking up.

I sigh and look down to see her blue eyes flutter open. Just like a baby waking up. I know she is 16 years old. Going to be 17 soon but few of her baby features and characteristics are still there in her which I love. I know I haven't seen her as a baby but I can still see parts of it in her.

"Hey sleepy head" I say gently rubbing her head.

She looks up at me and I kiss her forehead. She looks ahead and Robert smiles at her.

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