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Andy's Pov

I was currently sitting in the living room with my laptop open, waiting for a mail from school that would tell me if my project was approved or I still needed to make changes.

UGGHHHH I'm so done with it. If they say I need to change something I'm quitting

"Will you stop fidgeting" I hear Chris say form next to me.=

"Dude I swear to god if they don't approve my work this time I quit. I can't work on that anymore." I say leaning back on the couch.

"Oh they will approve it. I'm sure even if they send back corrections it won't be anything major" Chris says sitting on the couch beside me, checking something on his phone.

"You don't know that" I mumble but don't get a response.

"Did I miss it? Did I miss it?" I hear right after the door blasts open freaking the life out of Chris and I.

"No and stop yelling." I say rolling my eyes and looking back to the screen. Just then I hear a ping a new mail appears. I quickly open it without wasting another minute.

"What does it say?" Chris asks but I don't respond. I continue to read the mail till the end. As soon as I'm done readying the mail I fall back on Chris, my head resting on his lap. My hands move up to my face to cover my face.

"What what?" I hear Chris say before I feel his hand on my shoulder.

"Wait I'll check." Scott says walking to the computer. "Approved and she's one of the rank holders!" he yells after reading the mail I just read a couple seconds ago.

"What really? That's amazing" I hear Chris say before he places a quick kiss to my forehead.

"Its finally oveeerrr" I groan. I was so done with this stupid project.

"I told you they would approve it. Well  more than approve it. You're one of the rank holders." Chris says with wide smile on his face.

"We're so proud of you kiddo" Scott says sitting next to me on the couch.

"Thanks you guys." I get up looking at both of them.

"Hello hello" I hear after the front door opens. Mils

"Hello hello" Scott says in response. I turn to look at her as she walks into the living room.

As soon as she walks in I raise my eyebrows, way of asking her  about her mail.

"Finally done with the bitchin project" she screams dramatically throwing her hands up in the air.

I scream running to her and pull her into a tight hug and she hugs me back the same way.

"And now I'm partially deaf" I hear Chris mumble and I playfully smack his head from behind.

"Congrats both of you" Scott says hugging Millie when she walks up to him.

"Thanks. I'm so done with this stupid thing" she says sitting down on the couch. She reaches for my laptop and turns around to read the screen.

"You bitch you are one the rank holders?" she screams looking back at me. I nod in response.

"That's amazing you nerd" she says and I glare at her for calling me that.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" Millie asks me sitting down next to Chris while I sit in the lounge chair with my laptop. She asked me that like I knew what was happening.

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