First day at Home

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I woke up to Dodger licking my face. I push him a bit and reach for my phone to check the time. It's 8 in the morning so I decide to get up. That's when the excitement hits me. It's my Andy's first day at home. My little sister's first day. I have a little sister now. I always wanted to have a little and now I do. 

I sit on my bed thinking while Dodger sits next to me placing his head on my lap. I really want her to feel at home and I really want her to think of me as her brother. I want to be there for her and I want her to know that I will always be there for her, like how Scott and I know about each other. But I know that she needs her time and I am ready to give her all the time in the word. I understand that she is not blood related but  I want her to feel the closest to a blood related family here. I am not aware of everything that happened to her with her previous family but I know it wasn't good at all. I don't want her to feel scared here, but again it's going to take a while and that is okay with me.

I look at my phone again and the time is now 8:15 now so get up, do my morning routine and by 8:30am I walk out of my room with Dodger right behind me. I walk up to Andy's room and slowly open the door to see her still sleeping peacefully. She was really tired last night so I decide to let her sleep. I walk downstairs and start on breakfast when Scott walks in to the kitchen and grabs his morning coffee. He hands me my cup refilled and I thank him. 

"She is not awake yet?" he asks 

"No, she was really tired yesterday so I let her sleep." I reply not facing him. After preparing  the breakfast Scott and I sit at the kitchen island and drink our coffee for a while. In a couple of minutes Andy walks down the stairs, her face still sleepy. Her eyes are puffy , her whole face rather. She looks so cute when she is all sleepy. She looks cute anyway, her features are very beautiful. She has a natural innocent touch to her face which I really like. 

She walks down the stairs still in her own sleepy world and walks towards the island and suddenly stops. I immediately sense that she stopped on seeing us. She is still a bit conscious around us, but I want to fix that. 

"Good morning" I say making Scott turn around to look at her. 

"Good morning" she replies, her voice still sleepy. 

She walks towards us and Scott holds her hand and pulls her towards him to give her a side hug and she hugs back, still a bit sleepy but she isn't awkward when she hugs back, she looks comfortable which I am happy about. 

"come on , breakfast is ready. Lets eat together." I say and then I realize the expression on Andy's face. She doesn't like eating breakfast, Mary had mentioned that but that isn't good so I am not going to allow that, even if its her first day her.

"Oh no no no you aren't missing breakfast. Same rule here too sis. No choice" I say shaking my head. she looks down and smiles. I get up from the island stool and start getting the plates. I see Andy following me and she starts helping me. 

"Slept well?" I ask her and she nods. 

we set everything up together while Scott gets Andy a cup of coffee. 

"Sugar" he asks her and she says three!

"Sweet tooth huh?" Scott and I ask and laugh at her when she smiles back at us. 

we sit down to have breakfast and we start talking.

"So Andy , what are your hobbies? " I ask taking a bit of my toast.

she puts her fork down and looks at me.

" I like to draw, read, hiking, yeah" she says. 

"Draw? Oh wow when can we see some? " Scott asks 

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