A Thin Line

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Before you read the chapter please keep in mind that I'm not a doctor. So all the medical things that I have mentioned are only for the story.

Ignore any mistakes.

Hope you like the chapter.


Chris' Pov

As soon as we reached the hospital the nurses from the hospital come to us and helped with taking Andy inside.

The whole drive to the hospital,her condition was deteriorating. Her heart rate was still low. She wasn't breathing on her own. She had lost a lot of blood. Was losing blood. I don't know.

I don't know anymore.

They rolled her into the hospital and into a room as Scott and I followed. A nurse stayed back to tell us to stay outside the room as they rolled her in.

"Sir we'll let you know when you can see her." she says and walks into the room.

I sit down on the line of chairs that were kept opposite of the room. Resting my elbows on my knees as my head rests on my hands.

I feel Scott sit next to me but I don't look at him. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes.

"She's hurt. Again." I hear Scott say which makes me look at him. His voice was not filled with sorrow alone. There was anger in it.

"How did we not see her running out Chris." he says but this time his voice breaking.

"Hey hey" I say pulling him into a hug. As soon as I do he breaks down. "Don't blame yourself. Lets just hope that she is okay and we'll be there to do everything she needs to recover." I tell  him, trying really hard to not cry.

Suddenly I see someone walking towards me and I turn to see Scarlett, Sebastian, Robert and Tom walking towards us.

"Hey. Did they say anything?" Scarlett asks sitting next to me. As soon as her voice is heard Scott moves his head.

I simply nod 'no' to reply to Scarlett's question. 

"They know nothing yet?" Tom asks eagerly.

His eyes were red and swollen, showing very clearly that he was crying all this while.

"No they're still checking. Her heart rate was really low and she was unconscious the whole drive here ." Scott explains. His voice hoarse from crying. 

As soon as he says this Tom rubs his face taking deep unsettled breathes. 

"Did you both talk? Did she say something?" I ask him desperately trying to know why she ran out in the first place.

"No we hadn't. She-" Tom starts to explain but a nurse comes out of the room and we all move our attention to her.

"Sir we are taking her to the OR right now to find and stop the internal bleeding. We'll keep you posted. Please stay here." the nurse tells us and just as she finishes the doors open behind her and more nurses and doctors come out of the room while rolling Andy on a stretcher along with a few machines that were attached to her. She still had the ventilator mask on her face. Her eyes were closed.

The OR was down the hall so we remained in our seats.

"God" Sebastian says as his head drops and his shoulders go lump.

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