A phase

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Hey guys. I know I had said that this would be a double update but as I said I need more time with the next one and I haven't updated in a while so thought I'll post this one now.  I'll be posting the next one soon. Sorry.

Let me know what you guys think of this one.

The next one will be longer for sure. Might be a double update too. Lets see how it goes.

Here's this chapter for now.


Chris's Pov

I sit with him for a while till he calms down and he pulls back and wipes his eyes. They were red and swollen. 

"Hey. I know I can never really understand what you're going through now but its clearly not worth crying for him. Not for someone like him. I know it will take you some time man but its okay. You have all of us. We all are here for you." I tell him. I really couldn't think of anything else cause I was so angry at Cody right now. He hurt my brother. Of course I would punch him in the face if I see him again.

"I know man. Thanks" He says rubbing his eyes and the tear stains that were on his cheeks.

"How did Andy find out?" he then asks looking at me. I get up and move to the couch before answering his question.

"She, Tom and his brother were having brunch at a cafe or something which happened to be across from where they saw Cody. She called me immediately. " I tell him.

"Why didn't she call me?" he asks immediately after.

"She probably just wanted to check with me first man." I tell him knowing exactly where this was going.

"Its not cause she thinks she can't talk to me about these things right?" he asks, his voice still puffy from crying.

"No not at all. She'll definitely call you in some time. She's just giving you some time Scott. I told her to give us a few minutes too. She will definitely call back. I'm sure she's worried sick for her brother. You know how she is." I tell him and he nods back.

Right then the door bell rings. " I'll be right back" I tell him and walk towards the front door. I open the door to see Ma standing outside.

"Hey what happened to your key " I ask her. She always had hers on hers.

"Oh I forgot it at home honey. What's going on? Why do you look disturbed?" She asks stepping in to the house before placing her hand to my cheek.

"Oh ma its not me who you should be worried about. Andy called me a few minutes back wanting to know something. She asked me where Cody was out of them blue and I told her what Cody had told both Scott and I, that he was in LA but Andy turned her phone camera to across the street from where they were having brunch , to show me Cody with another guy. Kissing him" I explain.

"Oh no. Does he know yet?" she asks referring to Scott.

"He saw Ma" I tell her rubbing my face with my palms. "Exactly when that asshole was kissing the other guy. " I tell her. Trying to keep my anger down.

"Oh no. How is he now?" she asks. Both of us whispering so Scott can't hear us.

"He was crying. Yelled and Cody. Calmed down now but he is still hurting. You know how important this relationship was to him." I tell her and she nods.

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