Birthday Prep (2)

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Andy's Pov

I quickly close the door and try to catch my breath. I walk up to my suitcase and grab my night clothes and turn to go to the bathroom. Just then the door opens and Chris and Seb walk in.

"Hey.. you okay?" Chris asks looking at my wide eye expression.

Good going Andy good going

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just gonna go go for a quick shower." I smile and walk into the bathroom. I put my cloths on the hanger and looking into the mirror. I run my hands through my hair and a smile grows on my face.

He kissed me. We kissed.

I know we just started dating. Its not been a day since we started but it didn't feel wrong. I didn't hesitate.

I'm so dead if Chris knows. I can't believe that they almost saw us.

I quickly take a shower and step out of the bathroom because I didn't want them to get suspicious.

As soon as I step out both of them look at me. Chris was sitting on the chair and Seb was sitting on the bed. I walk up to my suitcase and stuff my clothes into them.

Chris stretches his hands out and I walk to him. He pulls me on to his lap and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Tired?" he asks and I simply nod. He kisses my head and I head a snap sound. Both Chris and I look at Seb and see that he had his phone out and he had taken a picture of us. I frown at him and he shrugs his shoulder.

"What? It was cute. Anyone will agree to that. I'll bet on it." he says and I roll my eyes.

Chris chuckles and strokes my hair. I snuggle closer to him and he tightens his arms around me.

Chris and Seb start talking about random things while I react to it here and there. I slowly feel my eyelids getting heavy and I don't fight it.


Chris's Pov

Sebastian and I were talking about random things when he pauses and indicates towards Andy with his eyes.

I look down but can't see her face so I look back at him.

"Asleep?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Out." he says.

Just then we hear splatters on the window. We look at the window and see it was raining.  We look at each other and I knew he was thinking the same. That would affect our shoot for tomorrow. He shakes his head and looks down.

Suddenly a lighting strikes followed by thunder. It wasn't the really loud ones but I knew it was loud enough to startle Andy. Just as I thought she jumps slightly in my arms and snuggles close to me with her eyebrows knit together.

"Sh its okay. I'm right here." I whisper into her ears and relaxes a little pushes her head to my chest. I hold her close to me and look at Sebastian. He smiles lightly and I smile back.

He knew what was happening. I had told him about her fear of thunder.

After a couple of minutes I get up carrying her brindle style and place her on the bed. As soon as I do that she curls up on her side. I pull the cover on her and stand up straight.

"Hey can you wait here. I'll just take a quick shower." I ask him

"Yeah go" he says and moves back on the bed, close to her.  I quickly take everything I need and go into the bathroom. I didn't want Sebastian waiting for too long.

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