What the-

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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I fell ill and my writing slowed down. Will upload the next chapter sooner.

Till then hope you guys like this one :


Andy's Pov

"What the fuck?" Was Harry's reaction when he saw the post Tom showed me yesterday at dinner.

Of course we could only show him today and not yesterday cause um , lets just say the dinner ended with the 'supportive brother screwing me' in Tom's words.

Right now Tom and I were laughing at Harry's reaction. He was so confused.

"Why? Why would they just assume that we are dating just cause we were walking next to each other? Isn't he the celebrity? They should think of the two of you" he says throwing his hands in the air.

"Dude you know how these people are. I'm sure this will be an article soon. The mystery girl will for sure" Tom says pointing at me.

"Oh shut up" I say rolling my eyes. That name was really catching on I can tell.

"Oh please that is your name right now" Harry says showing me the post on the phone.

"Yeah yeah they called me that even when the picture of me with Chris was taken." I tell them sitting on the bed.

"When is Chris planning to tell the world about you? I mean people are really curious" Harry asks sitting on the chair. We were waiting for Tom's car to come so we could head to the set.

"He said he will talk about me in one of the interviews for the Civil war movie. People will definitely ask he says" I tell them both.

"That they will. I mean they already are" Tom says and I nod.

Right then Tom's phone pings telling us that the car is here.

"Time to go" he says and Harry and I follow him out of the room after taking our bags.

I take the room key out and close the door before turning to see Harry and Tom standing completely still. My eyebrows instantly furrow looking at their behavior. I walk forward a little so I can see. I soon as I see what they were looking at I freeze. Who they were looking at rather.

Cody was standing on the opposite side and did he look pissed.

"You spoiled everything. It was non of your business to come between Scott and I. You-" he says pointing his finger at me but I cut him off cause man was he pissing me of just by standing in front of me.

"Non of my business? You cheated on my brother. You cheated on him and was trying to hide it. If I hadn't been there Scott wouldn't have known and he would still be with a cheat like you. What the hell for you planning huh? If you had someone else then why were you dating Scott?" I say as my voice raises slowly.

"For his money or something?" Harry adds as soon as I finish talking.

"You stay out of this. Its non of your business. Neither is it yours" he points at Harry first and then looks at me.

" He is my brother. Of course its my business if he is being cheated on." I yell.

"Oh please you're fucking adopted and now you talk as though he is your real brother. Don't flatter yourself." he spits.

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