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Andy's POV:

It was the day Chris and I were leaving to LA. He had a couple of meetings there with the rest of the cast members ,about the script and other things. So the plan was that we spend a week in LA and then go to London where they would start shooting. I would have to leave early because school would start.

My leg was completely fine now. No limping no help to walk down the stairs. Only my hand was still messed up. Better but still had to be really careful. The nurse had come home and changed the bandage and given me an elastic wrist splint. It did hurt though so still no carrying heavy things etc.

Currently I was in my room checking through all my things. My suitcase was packed and I was now packing my camera that Chris had bought me. I loved that camera so much. Even though my left hand was injured I was able to use it more now once I got the wrist splint and Chris had attached a strap to the camera so the weight of the camera would fall on that too.

I packed my camera and checked if I had everything I needed one last time. Scott was going to drive Chris and I to the airport and we were taking a special flight or something to LA. I had no idea how this worked to be honest cause I never left Massachusetts. All I knew was that it was 5 hour and 45 minutes flight and we had to be there at the airport two hours before. We were going to stay at Chris's LA house.

"Honey all set to go?" I hear Chris from his room.

"Yeah" I yell back. Me being the way I am , I forget about my injured hand and try to lift my suitcase with that hand. I feel a sharp pain and I drop the suitcase screaming "ouch" and I sit on the bed holding my hand. It was one of those sharp pains that fades away in a bit but when it hits first it hits sharp.

"sweetie whats wrong" I hear Chris as he walks into my room, concern evident on his face. He kneels on the ground near me, hands on my shoulder.

"I'm okay I'm okay" I say, the pain now fading away slowly.

"Honey what happened. I heard you scream." he asks.

"Don't be mad but I kinda forgot about my wrist and picked up my suitcase with this hand" I say showing it to him.

"Honey" he says stretching the honeyyyy in a stern way giving me the 'look'.

"You said you wouldn't be mad" I say immediately.

"No I didn't" he says in the same tone.

"But I.....told you... not to get mad" I say trying to get away with it.

He looks at me and tries to control his smile but can't  as he sees me smiling.

"Honey just be careful please." he says and I grin at him. "Be happy you are adorable" he says kissing me on the forehead.

"I'll get your suitcase you just grab the backpack. With your right hand." he says stressing on the right, making me laugh.

"Yeah yeah" I say smiling. I get up and take my phone from the night stand which was charging. I put the cord in my backpack and head outside my room.

I walk down the stairs and see Scott standing there.

"Hey you" he says ruffling my hair.

"Hey" I say wrapping my hands around his  waist hugging him. He hugs me back kissing the top of my head and fixes my hair.

Chris walks down with the suitcases and places it near us.

"Lets go" he says and Scott and I nod. I bend down to my knees and hug Dodger. I tell my good byes and pat him one last time for the next month and a half. Mom was going to come get him for the next few days as non of us were going to be at home.

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