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The dinner we had went well. They loved the food which I was nervous for. They all arrived around 6:30 and we all sat in the living room, them drinking and I had my soda. It was really fun. Hemsworth making jokes and RDJ...being RDJ. They were really impressed that  I could cook. I did mention Chris helping me though. I had to change my bandage when Scarlett saw a bit of blood on it. Chris did the bandage again and we all sat around the living room after dinner again just talking. They all left around 11:30 because we needed to travel tomorrow. Once they left Chris and I cleaned up they rest of the things and went to bed. It took me some time to fall asleep but I eventually did.

I was comfortably asleep when I heard Chris's voice. It was just his voice at first but that was annoying enough. I hate morning and if I'm woken up its even worse.

"Come on. Up up up" I hear him say and  groan rolling to my side. I feel my blanket being pulled and I pull it back.

"Okay come on now" he says shaking me harder. The shaking stops for a quick second and before I can think that he gave me some more time to sleep I feel his hands tickling my waist. I struggle trying to push his hands away and finally give up.

"Okay Okay I'm up. Stop" I say in my morning voice, catching my breath. I slowly push myself on to my elbows and blink my eyes to get used to all the light. He shifts closer to me and kisses my forehead mumbling a soft 'good morning'.

"We need to leave in another hour. Your things are packed right?" he gets up walking to the door.

"Yeah.All packed" I say getting off of the bed.

"Okay I'll see you downstairs in a bit" he walks out of my room after I nod to what he said.

I go straight to my bathroom and do my usual routine and put on a comfortable outfit for the travel which consisted of black jeans and a lose grey tee. I pull my hair into a bun and I walk up to my nightstand and pick up my phone and I open it to see if I had any messages, mostly from mom or Scott. As I guessed both Mom and Scott had messaged me and I quickly reply to them. It was their usual good morning and take your meds etc etc.

Once I finish replying to them I open my social media accounts as I hadn't checked anything after seeing the article yesterday. As soon as I opened the screen it popped up with many comments. The comments go from questioning who I am to people guessing who I am. There were few people who were guessing that I was his cousin.

But right after that there were few comments that really caught my breath in my throat.

whore at such a young age. She is going to ruin him. Who the hell is she. Oh wait a nobody. I should have known.

She was the girl who met with an accident some time ago. She is using him probably.

Why the F*** is she with Chris. She doesn't mean anything to him. We would know if otherwise.

That was all I could read before I felt a tear roll down my right cheek and I immediately closed that page.  They hardly know me. How they hell did they know about the accident? Why do they have to say all that things about me. What have I ever done for them to talk like that?

I know Chris spoke to me about all this but it still hurts.

I quickly wipe my eyes and walk up into the mirror to see if I looked normal. I didn't want Chris to know. After I have fixed everything I walk down with my small suitcase.

"I would have gotten that for you if you called me" he says  looking at me coming down the stairs.

"No I'm okay." I say placing the suitcase at the beginning of the living room.

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