The day I find a Home for myself

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I woke up to my loud alarm the next morning. I sat up slowly and switch off my alarm. I looked around at my things and it hit me, I am leaving today. I sat there on my bed while all the nervousness started to make a come back from last night. I heard a knock at the door and I got up to open it. It was unusual for Mary or Amy to knock at my door in the morning but today was different.

I opened the door and it was Amy.
"Good morning sweetie, just wanted to check on you. Once you are ready for school you and I can take your things to Mary's office so you don't have to come all the way here to get your things okay?" She said 

"Um you can actually take one of the suitcases cause I don't need to take anything or put anything back, once I am ready I'll bring the other one if that okay" I reply in my sleepy voice.

"Sure sweetie, good idea let me take that suitcase then. And hey don't miss breakfast. Grab something to eat. " she says while lifting my suitcase up.

I simply nod. I am not a morning person. I like my mornings slow and to myself. That was one of the things that got me into trouble with the previous family. They always got mad.

I quickly try to push that thought away and get ready for school. I put on a simple t-shirt and leggings on and tie my hair into a pony tail. I look at my room for on last time and sigh. I'll miss this place for sure. I grab my bag and the other suitcase and walk towards Mary's office. I slowly walk looking all around. This was my home since the time I remember. Even though I was adopted before that place was no home. But today I am leaving this place to go to my new home. Nervousness was all I was feeling.

Once I reach Mary's office I knock and wait for her to let me in. She does so I walk in and place my suitcase next to the other one. She looks at me smiles.

"All set to go? Did you check everything darling?" She asks and I nod in reply.

"Come here" she says and I walk to her chair.

"I know your are nervous but remember everything I told you last night. You are going to be more than fine okay? You can come by and visit whenever you want. We will always be here for you. Promise me you will do what we spoke about last night."

"I promise" I reply and she pulls me into a hug. I hug her back gladly. I'll miss everyone here but as I promised Mary I will try to be happy with my new life.

We pull away and I head to the dinning area to grab something before heading to school. When I reach I see Amy partially wrapping a sandwich to go and hands it to me.

"Thanks Amy" I say taking the sandwich. I smile at her and head to the gate to leave for school. Little Mike was dropped off my someone else today so I didn't have to worry. On the way to school the only thing in my head was how my life is going to change.

School went on as usual and I had a couple of homeworks to finish for the weekend. Once school was done I start walking towards the orphanage. During school my mind was diverted partially so I wasn't that nervous during the day but once school was over my mind was thinking only of leaving the place I called home to a new one.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize anything on the way to the orphanage. I reach and just stand outside for a couple of minutes. I am nervous but I have made a promise and I want to keep my word, I thought to myself. 

I take a deep breath and walk in. I go straight to Mary's office and I see Amy sitting with two little kids. I walk up to her and she smiles and tells the little kids to go play. She stands up and hugs me.

"Good timing, how was your day?" She asks

"It was good" I reply looking at Mary's office.

Amy understands what is in my mind and immediately clears my doubt.

"They are in there talking to Mary. Come on, I was told to bring you in as soon as you arrive." She says smiling.

I take a deep breath and follow her into Mary's office. Amy walks in and informs Mary that I have come back and she asks us to entre. I walk in and see Chris sitting in the chair in front of Mary and next to him I see another man and I am sure it's his younger brother Scott cause I have seen pictures of them together. I walk in and Mary motions me to come to her. I go to her and she smiles.

" This is Scott , Chris' younger brother. " She says and I look at him and give a small smile.
" Hey , its nice to meet you" he says stretching his hand out and I shake it.

"Hi" I say in return and look at Chris who does the same with a sweet comforting smile, wait did I just say comforting..I hardly know the guy I think to myself. I shake his hand and smile back.

"So she has everything packed. She just needs to say her goodbyes and then you can leave." Mary says and I nod taking that as a cue to go out and meet everyone. I follow Amy and the rest follow me.

I walk out and see everyone standing and they all yell "bye Andy we will miss you" together. I smile and walk up to them and they all hug me. I say my byes to everyone and little Mike runs up to me and hugs my legs tight. I smile and sit down so that I am his hight and he hugs my neck I hold him and look up and see Amy, Mary, Chris and Scott smiling. I pull out of the hug and he looks at me and says " will you visit often, I'll miss you. Come to meet us...please" in his baby voice. I smile and say "promise Mike. I'll come to see you all" holding my pinkie our for a pinkie promise. That was mike's and my thing. He holds my pinkie and laughs. I hug him last time and get up walking towards Amy. I hug her and she hugs back.

I walk to Mary and she hugs me. "Remember what I said. Be happy honey. Love you"  she says

"Love you too" I say pulling back and nod once again for what she said. Once all the goodbyes are done Chris and Scott take my suitcases even though I said I'll take it and they put it in the car and I walk with everyone to the car. Chris gets into the driver's seat and Scott opens the back door for me and I get in. He closes it and gets in the front seat. I look out the window and wave at everyone. They all wave back and Chris starts to drive out of the campus.

I was nervous but was ready to step into my new life knowing that this campus will always be a home to me.

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