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Andy's pov

They say that trauma is a factor that can cause the mind to overthink. Your mind becomes vulnerable to overthinking. Trauma is like a distant relative who you don't fancy much . Comes into your life once in a while when you're actually happy and ruins the moment.

Overthinking. That's exactly what I was doing. There were so many scenarios of how Chris and Scott would react and what happened in reality was very different. Something I never thought of cause in my mind all the scenarios were negative. 

Why ?

Maybe I don't want an answer to that question but its always there. Haunting in the back of my mind where I don't go as often.

Chris and Scott spoke to me again after Millie left. She thought that Chris, Scott and I need to be with each other after what happened.

We sat on the couch just like when Jasmine was in the room. A lot has happened and such talks have happened before but this one was different. Every time we had such talks be it with both Chris and Scott or just one of them I always thought and believed that it was getting us closer to each other as a family, but today we were talking about someone who was my family. My brother. Blood brother. A brother I never spoke about. A brother they had no idea about.

"We aren't upset baby. We understand why you hid that from us but all I'm saying or we are saying  rather is that there is nothing you need to hide from us. I know things in the past have been rough but as we say always, we are here for you. There is nothing in this world that can change that. You are our little sister and I know you miss your, our brother but I need you to stop blaming yourself and live the way Luca would have wanted you to live. He loved you dearly and wanted the best for you. I know he isn't with us in flesh but he loved you and that is what is important. He is our  brother too. Nothing is going to change that." Chris said and Scott nodded.

'He is our brother' he said. Of all the things he said, that's what stuck with me most. If at all I could love these brothers of mine more, then yes its happened.



I walk up tot he alarm blaring for no reason. It was a holiday and i forgot to switch off the bloody alarm. 

I groan, turning on my back to reach for the phone. I switch it off and I rub my eyes so I can see better.  I decide to get up cause I was wide awake anyways. I quickly do my morning routine and decide to stay in the baby blue shorts and black tank top I wore to bed cause I had no plans in the morning anyways.

I grab my phone and see a text from Tom as usual. I haven't told him about Luca but I don't want to tell him over the phone. I want to tell him in person.  Which is going to take ages cause he is busy and can't come here. So for us to meet is going to take a while.


What if I go and surprise him this time? He came here the last time and he can't come anytime soon cause he has a busy schedule so its fair that this time I go right?

Ohhh my brothers


How the heck did I forget about those cartoons I have at home.

Or maybe I should say cartoon - singular - cause yeah the whole world knows which brother I'm talking about. 

Yup he is going to lose his mind for sure.

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