A get away

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 He walked into the room again. Anger. That is the only thing I saw on his face. He walks up to me and grabs me by my hair and pulls me up. Before I could fight it I was on my feet and he throws me across the room. I land on my bruised front and my eyes close in pain.

"You destroyed everything. Everything. We had everything before you. We were fine before you."

He kicks me repeatedly saying those words. I shield my face with my hands from his kicks.

"You had to come along and open your mouth about my father. Now look where he is." he kicks me again. Then he crouches down next to my curled up body. Crying.

"You know what you are going to do? You are going to do exactly what we planned for you. Cause no one wants you. You are a slut that makes everybody's lives hell when you step into it. You destroy people. What do you think Chris is going to come for you? Scott is going to come for you. Noo they are just happy as before."

He gets up and starts kicking kicking me again.

"You will start making so much money for me. Just as planned you slut.Nobody is coming for you."

"No please please. I don't want to. Please let me go. Please."


Chris's POV

"Andy baby wake up its just a nightmare." I shake her trying to wake her up. She was struggling in her sleep saying 'Please let me go'. She was having a nightmare about Ben.

"No please" she opens her eyes and holds my hand tightly.

"Sh baby its okay. I'm right here. You're okay baby." I wrap my hands around her. She rests her head on my chest. Just then Scott walks into the room.

"Whats going on?" he asks rubbing his eyes and concern on his face.

I mouth 'nightmare' to him still holding her. His face drops immediately and he walks over to the other side and hugs Andy.

"Its okay. We're here." he whispers.

She wasn't crying too much but she was out of breath.

"Deep breaths baby." I say trying to calm her. It hasn't been two hours since she and I fell asleep.

Scott and I sit next to her quietly as her breathing gets better.

After a couple minutes Scott nudges me lightly making me look at him. He points towards Andy with his eyes and I look at her. She had fallen back to sleep with her head still resting on my chest. I look back at Scott and he nods before mouthing 'Stay for a little longer'. I nod back and he gets off the bed and leaves the room. I sit there stroking her head till I know that she was fast asleep. Andy is a light sleeper but the meds were knocking her off.

I slowly move my left arm from under her head and she shuffles on to the pillow. I pull the blanket over her and slowly leave her room.

I need to do something about her nightmares.  I need her to recover from what she just went through. What can I do for her to get her better.

I go downstairs and call Mark. He's had dodger since Andy went missing.

(Mark - Chris )


"Hey man just wanted to know where you were."

"Just parked outside your house man."

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