recovery part 2

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A day had passed by very quickly and today was the day I was going home. While I was here at the hospital yester, Mary and Amy had come to see me. It was nice to spend some time with but now i was happy that I was going home cause I hate hospitals. 

I still cannot walk without help but I was surprised on how fast my leg was healing. It did hurt when i tried to walk on my own but not as bad as two days ago. All my injuries are getting better fast except my left hand. As the doctor said it was healing slowly. At the moment it hurt even if I moved my hands quickly. I hated it. 

But what made everything better is have my two brothers around. I can't believe I have them in my life to call them my brother. All I wanted in my life. They have been so caring and supporting. My nightmares have stopped too. After Scott talking to me other day it really stopped. 

Right now Chris was filing the paper work and Scott had gone down to the car to keep all my things inside. I was sitting in my hospital room fidgeting with my shirt waiting for Chris to come so we could head down to the parking lot where Scott was waiting for us. 

I was busy in my own world when suddenly I heard the familiar voice walking into the room, talking loudly and I jump.

"Hey all done lets go" he says as he sees me jump. 

"Jesus Chris, what the hell" I say looking at him with wide eyes. 

He laughs with his hand slapping slightly against his chest and his rolling back slightly. 

"Not funny Chris" I say shaking my head. 

"Its cute. Now shall we go?" he asks walking towards me. 

"yup" I say not trying to hide my excitement on finally going home. He sits on the bed next to me and I turn towards him slowly as I was told no fast movements because the bruise hasn't healed yet.

"I just want you to know that Scott , mom and I will always be there for you. I know its hard but I want you to move on from this. I, we won't let anything happen to you. Never be scared to tell is anything okay" he says stroking my hair which I have come to learn that I really like. 

"What happened to you shouldn't have happened but there is nothing I can do about that now but I promise ill keep you safe from now."

"Thank you Chris" I say giving him a small smile as he slowly, very carefully pulls me into a side hug. As soon as I rest my head on his chest he kisses the top of my head making my smile grow. I never experienced this kind of affection cause I had no one but now this felt right. We pull back and he looks at me smiling. 

"Lets go then" he says standing up.

"Remember what the doctor said, put most of your weight on me while walking so that your leg is safe" he says holding out his right hand and I good right hand in his. He wraps his left hand around my shoulder and pulls me up while I try to stand using only one leg. Once I'm up he looks down at my foot to make sure that I am not putting pressure on it. 

"Good?" he asks and I reply which a ya. 

We walk out of the room towards the elevator, my weight between my good leg and Chris as I was told. when we reach the elevator Chris pushes the button and we wait for the elevator. While waiting, me being me, I try to put my broken leg down a little just to see how much pressure I can give on it. I am crazy. But before I can do that some how Chris catches me.

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