LA (2)

830 19 8

Not edited. Ignore mistakes



The lunch was great. We all sat together and ate, either talking about me, or themselves or the movie itself. They were all so sweet and funny that I was having a blast. I sat in between Hemsworth and Robert as I walked down with them, while Scarlett and Chris say across from us. Tom was the only one missing though as he had to leave for another meeting.

Once we finished eating we all sat there talking and laughing about things Hemsworth said or did when Jeremy's phone started to ring. Once he picked it up we all went back to focusing on Hemsworth but Jeremy called for our attention again.

"Guys the paps have gathered outside the building and the the entrance of the parking lot. They know we are here." He says to everyone but mainly looking at Chris, which I immediately understood was because of me.

Chris nodded back and looked at me and smiled telling everything is fine. I smiled back in reply.

"Any idea on how they knew?" Scarlett asked.

"They saw Hemsworth coming in" Jeremy tells us.

"Oh great" Hemsworth says shaking his head.

"Anyways we should be going now so we'll just quickly leave" Mark says and they all agree.

We all get up from our chairs and head to the elevator. I feel an arm around me and I look up to see Scarlett standing next to me smiling. I smile back and we walk into the elevator together. Once we reach the top floor we all walk back into the meeting room and start grabbing our things.

"So it was really nice meeting you. Will you be coming to set tomorrow?" Scarlett asks.

I look at Chris and he nods saying yes.

"Yeah I'll be there. It was really nice meeting you all too" I say.

"Same sweetheart" Robert says taking all his things. He walks up to me and hugs me kissing my head. "I'll see you tomorrow." he says to me. "My car is here. I'll see you guys tomorrow." he tells the rest of them and hugs them too. He waves and leaves the room. Mark follows after he says his goodbyes.

I pack my camera into my bag when I see Chris's wallet inside my bag.

"You want me to keep it?" I ask him.

"Yeah" he says stretching his hand for me and I take his hand. We walk together towards the elevator with Hemsworth and Scarlett as everybody else had left. We walk into the elevator and we all go down to the parking lot in the basement.

We all say goodbye to one another and  Chris and I head to our car. As soon as we get inside I hear Chris sigh. I turn to him and he looks at me.

"Don't worry about the paps. We will drive past them quickly but they might take a few pictures which we can't really do anything about. Okay?" he takes my hand in his.

"Yeah" I reply and he smiles back. He starts the car and we go towards the exit. Once met with sunlight I see a few people at the exit and the entrance of the building. As our car gets close to the road I see many cameras coming into view. I keep my eyes forward until I see Chris waving at a few of them. Of course he had to acknowledge them so I turn my head look in front of me. As Chris said we passed them quickly but they managed to take a few pictures.

"Now that is going to be on the news" Chris says softly almost as if he didn't want me to hear it. I hum in reply just letting him know that I heard him.

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