Wait What?!?!?!?

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Andy's Pov

Its been a couple of days since the talk with Chris. That conversation really brought Chris and I closer. Its not like we have said anything. Its just a feeling.

He recovered from the fever the next day and Scott, Chris and I spent a lot time together. We went to the same park we went to when I joined the family first.

It was really nice to spend time with them. We sat there for hours. Played scrabble, Scott bought a Frisbee, and we took a picnic basket for lunch. Ma joined us for one day but she couldn't come the other days cause she had work. Millie came twice to.

My big bros made a rule that I wasn't allowed to work on the project more than 8 hours a day. They initially said 2 hours but I pushed it to 8. I know that's crazy.

But today is different. I hate today. First I woke up at 5 in the morning. Which sucks. That's practically midnight for me.

I woke up feeling uncomfortable and rushed to the bathroom and VIOLA my stupid periods is back again to haunt me like every month.

Thankfully I had a box of tampons for now but I need definitely need more. I what I have to do and walk back to the bed. This month was definitely bad. Its not usually bad. Normally its completely fine. I don't have much cramps or anything and its like a normal day from me plus the changing but obviously there are abnormal times like these where everything hurts. My back hurts. My stomach hurts. My calf hurt. I know its weird and a lot of people don't have that but I do.

I walk back to my bed and text mom, telling her I needed more tampons. When she and I had had a conversation before about this,she told me that she would get some birth control pill that helps with bad cramps and stuff the next time it was this bad. At the orphanage I never took anything and just went with the pain but mom said these pills really work so I tell her that its one of those times this month. I put the phone back on the table and get under the covers. I try to sleep. I try but I am sure that's not going to happen.


Chris's Pov

I woke up to my alarm blowing up as usual. I sit up in bed but see that Dodger isn't in my room like last night. He's probably in Andy's room. Scott and I planned to go for a run in the morning so I get up and do my routine before getting into a pair of sweats and T-shirt. I grab my phone and walk out of my room.

I slowly open the door to Andy's room and see her under the cover, fast asleep. Her back was facing me but she was curled up as usual so I knew she was fast asleep and as I guessed Dodger was sitting by her.

I close the door carefully and head downstairs to meet Scott.



After a good run we head back to the house as usual for our cup of coffee. I unlock the door and walk in as he follows. It was 8:30 in the morning right now.

I walk in and get rid of my shoes while Scott does the same. He walks into the kitchen before me as I open the newspaper I had in hand.

"Yo what are these pills for?" he calls out from the kitchen.


 "What pills?" I ask walking into the kitchen after placing the newspaper on the table.

"These" he says holding up a bottle of pills. "There's a note from Ma too. Its says 'give these to Andy when she wakes up - Ma'. Here" he reads the and hands it to me.

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