How can he

426 7 3

Andy's Pov

I opened my eyes slowly. Content this time that it wasn't because of sunlight. I woke up smiling too.

Yesterday was so much fun. I'm so glad I made the decision to come here. He was so surprised and happy to see me too. So surprised that initially he didn't notice the bandage on my forehead, partially because some how my hair was covering most of it, probably from the chaos of hiding in the cupboard but once he did...


We pulled away from the third hug from seeing each other. I see him pulling his head back with a wide smile on his face. A feature I've come to love about him. But that smile doesn't stay for too long. He pushes a few strands of hair off of my face and his eyes do up to my forehead before the smile turns into a frown.

"What happened?" he asks with concern evident on his face.

" Oh its nothing" I start of to explain everything that happened at the car park of the mall, while he walks us to the bed and we take a seat facing each other.

"The wound is not too deep right?" he asks stroking his thumb near the bandage.

"No it isn't. Will heal two or three days."  I tell him as I wrap my fingers around his wrist that was touching my face.

"God I missed you. How did you come up with this? " he asks holing my hand.

"It actually came to my mind when I made that phone call with you the other day. You repeatedly said you wanted to come see me and that you needed a break. I know this is your work and you were having a tight schedule so I thought I would come to see you instead. I missed you too and I wanted a break after -" I pause realizing the fact that I hadn't told him.

"After what?" he urges me to go on as I look down to my lap.

"After Luca"  I look back into his eyes.

"Luca?" he asks immediately after seeing my expression. So I tell him everything that happened. All the while I explained to him, I was worried if he would be upset about me not telling him earlier.

"Oh wow" is all he says, making me nervous at the beginning.

"I wish I was there. To be with you. I'm sure it wasn't easy. I know Chris and Scott were there and that's what you needed then but still I wish I was with you. Just to make sure you're okay. For me to know, you know?" he says rubbing my shoulder slightly.

Can this guy get any cuter?

I lean in and kiss him again. "You're here now. That's enough for me" I tell once I break the kiss.

"I'm right here" he whispers before kissing me again.

Lets just say things got heated from there.


The first thing my eyes land on is a chair that now had my t-shirt that I wore yesterday hanging from it. I slowly lift my chin up to see Tom's face facing the same direction as mine is, fast asleep.

I was laying on his right side with my head resting on his bare chest. My right hand on his torso while his right arm was around me , resting on my shoulder lazily. His left hand was under his head.

Not wanting to wake him up I slowly move his arm off of my shoulder so I could get out of his grip but I fail.

"Hmm" I hear his sleepy morning voice before he shuffles and tightens his grip on me.

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