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Hey everyone.

I'm sorry this is not an update. But I felt the need to say this.

Last night I received a message from a wattpad user which was really really rude. I'm not someone who takes things too seriously when it comes to people I don't know personally but this message was an attack to the book The Right Embrace and to everyone who has commented on the chapters. Initially when I got the message that was saying things about the book I ignored it but then the person started mentioning few of my followers and readers who have commented on my chapters and encouraged me with the book.

I know I don't know any of my followers and readers personally but I do respect each and everyone of you dearly. Therefore I had to respond to the person standing up for everyone who has helped me with this story.

I write because I like to and I publish for people who like the content I write. I don't believe that anyone who comments on my chapters are lying. As I said I respect each and every one of you and your comments and suggestions.

But if you don't like the content I write then don't read my book. More than anything don't say things about people who do enjoy the book I'm writing. I write cause it helps me and hope people like it with each chapter I publish but if you don't its not that hard to skip and go to something you like.

There was a lot said about people who have really helped me with this book and I can't be more thankful. I will not tolerate anything against them. I can very well ignore the things said about me but for many this is a safe space and it should be. So please be respectful and don't write things just cause you can. Take a second to put yourself in the other person's shoes. Each and everyone of us have a different taste and liking.  Some might be similar and some different. But whatever it is be respectful.

I've loved writing this book until now and will definitely finish it as planned.

Hope everyone who has been reading this and people who come across it like it.

Once again a big thank you to everyone who helped me through this book till now.

Treat people with Kindness!!



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