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Andy's Pov

"Baby are you okay? Open your eyes Andy" I hear muffled voices as I slowly open my eyes until the bright sunlight attacks it.

What is with this sunlight

and there it is - a sharp pain in my forehead.

Yup Chris is going to kill me

I open my eyes slowly and the first person I see is Mom sitting next to me.

"Can you sit up?" she asks rubbing my shoulder slowly.

"Yup" I say slowly sitting up. My hand goes up to my forehead only to touch blood.

Yup I'm so dead

"Wait where is the little girl? I she okay?" I ask her as the realization hits me.

"She's fine baby. You got her out of trouble" she says pointing to my side.

I turn around to see the little girl,her mom carrying her, tear stains on her cheeks telling me she was crying.

"Thank you so much. I should have paid more attention." her mom walks closer and sits on her knees next to me.

"Its okay. Thankfully she didn't get hurt." I say smiling back at her.

I know she should have been more careful but things happen sometimes.

"She is fine, just scared. You are not okay though" she points at my forehead just when mom places a wet tissue to it.

Ouch. Yup I am so dead when we get home.

"Nah I'll be fine. Its small." I say before I look at mom. "Right?" I confirm with her.

"Yeah you'll need a bandage though. We'll stop by the hospital on the way anyways. You need to travel tomorrow." she says.

"Thank you so much once again. I f there is anything I can do please-" the girls mom starts to say but mom cuts her off.

"Oh there is no problem. I'm glad both of them okay. This is just a small injury. She will be okay." she says and I slowly get up.

We say bye to the little girl and her mother and head to our car. I walk with the tissue held to my wound. As soon as I sit inside mom turns to look at me.

"That was very brave of you baby" Mom says pushing a few strands of hair behind my ear. "For a second it stopped my heart but I'm proud of you." she says and kisses my cheek. I simply smile back.

We start driving to the hospital and I think of Chris again.

"Chris is going to kill me." I turn to look at mom.

"Yeah I thought the same thing" she chuckles.

"Mom what if he doesn't let me go tomorrow. I really want to go" I say think of the possibility of him not letting me go on the trip.

Oh hell no

"Don't worry I'll take care of that." she says chuckling again. She knows exactly what's going on in my head.

"You know he is that protective of you only cause he loves you deeply right?" she asks, her face getting a little serious.

"I know I know" I tell her.

Right then we pull up at the hospital. I get down, so does mom and we head inside. As soon as we a do a nurse spots us and leads into a room.

Thankfully it wasn't anything serious. Most importantly I didn't have a concussion or anything so I could travel too. I did have a bruise on my arm though. Not as bad as the last few times I had them. Doesn't hurt much too.  I didn't need any meds either. They put a bandage on it and asked me to change it twice everyday.

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