Where is My Supersuit?

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Inside the home of two young business professionals who have been in a long-term relationship. The time period is the current age.

Man (distressed) - "Something is not quite right."

Woman - "What isn't honey?"

Man - "I can't find my supersuit."

Woman - "Why do you want to find it?"

Man - "I like supersuits."

Woman - "I know you do."

Man - "How?"

Woman- "You told me."

Man (perplexed) - "When?"

Woman - "Just now."

Man - "And?"

Woman - "And what?"

Man - "Guess what?"

Woman - "What?"

Man - "Chickenbutt."

Woman - "Do chickens really have a butt?"

Man - "I am not sure, and I don't want to find out."

Woman - "That is one of your problems, you are always afraid of discovering the truth."

Man - "Some people just can't handle the truth, and I am one of those people."

Woman - "And by saying that, you are being truthful."

Man - "On the topic of truth, I never was a fan of Beauty and The Beast."

Woman (shocked) - "What! Why? It's a beautiful film."

Man - "Honestly, I just always found Beauty and The Beast rather inappropriate."

Woman - "I find you inappropriate."

Man - "Why is that?"

Woman - "Because you wear supersuits instead of everyday fashion. You even wore your supersuit to my best friend's wedding!"

Man (appalled at the accusation) - "I did no such thing!"

Woman - "I have photos!"

Man - "Oh, well in that case...I guess I did. Unless you edited them."

Woman - "Why would I take the time to edit photos in order to prove a point that I didn't foresee I would need to prove?"

Man - "Because your loco."

Woman - "Un poco loco."

Man - "Everyone is a little crazy."

Woman - "The greatest ones are."

Man - "That is something a crazy person would say."

Woman - "You told me you wanted to be with someone who was a little insane, that you liked your girls crazy."

Man - "I also told you that I had a big truck because you told me you like big trucks."

Woman - "I do! I love that you can drive over anything, that you can see miles ahead with that heightened perspective, and that you never have to worry about moving your things...Or if I want a dresser off of Craigslist in the free stuff section, I can actually get it because it would never fit inside my small sedan."

Man - "Do you want to know what I really like?"

Woman - "Not really."

Man - "Well I am going to tell you anyway."

Woman (rolls eyes) - "Of course you are."

Man - "I like cleaning my ears...with a cotton-swab."

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