The Cool Shoe

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There once was a Cool Shoe, he was cool. He always wore sunglasses. He wore sunglasses inside. He wore sunglasses at night. He wore sunglasses in the shower, and he even wore sunglasses when he slept!

People would always say, "Wow Cool Shoe, you're so cool!"

One rainy night, Cool Shoe was driving and could not see the road and he crashed into a light pole.

His shoe-spirit floated out of his shoe-body. He observed his mangled leather and suede body lying in the destroyed car unconscious. He was frightened by this ghastly sight, but what caused him more distress was seeing his beloved sunglasses shattered into hundreds of pieces. He cried out, "WHYYYYYY!??"

A spirit guide appeared and said, "Hey Shoe, would you like to go back into your shoe body? There is a catch though, if you choose to return to your shoe body you will not be able to wear sunglasses anymore."

Cool Shoe immediately responded by saying, "Hell no! If I can't wear sunglasses then what is the point of living. These sunglasses make me cool. Without these sunglasses I am no longer Cool Shoe, I am just Shoe...I can't picture a life not being cool. Sorry bro, I appreciate the offer but just take me to the light."

The End

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