The Sergeant and The General

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"Squad leaders assemble!" - Ordered the General

"Sergeant Cheese at your service sir!" - Sergeant Cheese

"Where is lieutenant ham?!" - General

"He is eating a baloney sandwich" - Sergeant Cheese

"You gotta be shitting me!" - General

"I am not, I am just pissing you." - Sergeant Cheese

"Fook you!" - General

"Fook you! Fook me!" - Sergeant Cheese

"No more jokes, time to get serious." - General

"How serious are we talking?" - Sergeant Cheese

"The kind of serious one gets when watching a serious documentary." - General

"I like it. I like it like that! Me gusta!" - Sergeant Cheese

"I didn't know you were bilingual." - General

"There are a lot of things that you don't know about me. I'm mysterious and shit." - Sergeant Cheese

"I love mysteries." - General

"Well solve me then." - Sergeant Cheese

"Can I get a hint? Or a treasure map?" - General

"Read the Da Vinci Code or watch National Treasure, see how Nic Cage did it." - Sergeant Cheese

"You don't make the commands here! I'm the boss!" - General

Buddy from the TLC hit show, Cake Boss, busts through the door. "No I'm the boss now! Hoboken style baby!"

The End

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