Exodus Part 2

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Weeks passed and Mana continued to rain down on the daily. The Israelites were growing restless, they were tired of the same food, and seemed to be stuck in perpetual conflict with one another.

Moses was the judge between all of these squabbles and affairs. He was losing his patience as the days were becoming extremely unproductive because he spent the majority of the day settling endless disputes. To make matters worse, these disputes were often petty and seemed to Moses as a complete waste of time.

For instance, one of the complaints was that one of the members snored too loudly. Another complained about missing spices and accused another of stealing it. Another complained of the lack of shading in the desert and demanded canopies and misters. One wanted to sacrifice a baby to God because it cried all night, and then the Israelite was upset that Moses rejected his wish and informed Moses that Baal gladly accepted sacrifices of babies and that he wished to return to Egypt to practice Baal worship. Needless to say, things were getting out of hand.

Moses finally decided that he would need to create some sort of order in all this chaos. Therefore, he brought it upon himself that he would need to go up Mount Sinai and talk to the Lord about establishing laws for his tribe. Moses went to Aaron and informed him of his plan.

"Brother, I will be heading to Mount Sinai to speak with the Lord. I cannot deal with these petty squabbles anymore. We need law and order amongst the tribe, otherwise we will have ceaseless quarrels amongst each other and never reach the Promised Land due to the time spent judging each case. In my absence I put you in charge of the people."

"Do what you must do. I and Miriam will watch over the others."

"Thank you brother. I must ask that you not allow them to worship Baal or any other false gods. Keep a close eye on Jeb for he has a habit of fastening calves out of all sorts of material. Furthermore keep Dave happy, for he is too loud and influential and tends to infect everyone else with his negativity if he becomes displeased."

"I will brother." Aaron said with confidence.

"Also keep Abiah away from lentils, he gets terrible gas and ferocious diarrhea anytime he eats it...Which stinks up the entire camp and we have limited scented candles that must be preserved for rituals and altars. Promise me that you will keep lentils away from Abiah?"

"I promise brother."

"One last thing."

"Yes brother?" Aaron inquisitively asked.

"Promise me that you will not let them worship false idols. I know I mentioned this previously, but this is of the utmost importance. I feel I cannot stress this enough." Moses said sternly.

"Brother you can count on me. I will not disappoint you." Aaron said with reassurance.

"Splendid! I will return after 40 days and 40 nights, not earlier nor later. Take care."

The two embraced, and Aaron returned to the tribe while Moses began his journey climbing up Mount Sinai.

Days passed, and the murmurs of Moses' departure began to cause rumors and conspiracies amongst the tribe of Israel.

Dave spoke up, "I guess our leader led us to the desert in order to abandon us."

Aaron refuted this remark and claimed, "Like I explained previously Dave, he went to go speak with the Lord, he will be back. We must have patience."

"I have exercised patience for months now. All of us have. It is part of our character now, wouldn't you say?"

"Let us be positive Dave. You have to admit, the view of the sun over those sand dunes is gorgeous isn't it?"

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