The Cactus and The Tortilla

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The Cactus - "HOLA! COMO ESTAS MI AMIGO!? " 

Tortilla - "I speak English Asshole."

Cactus - "So do I! What!? You think you're better than me?!"

Tortilla - " I am better than you. I am loved by millions while you are left to die in the desert."

Cactus - "Hey I like the desert! It's peaceful."

Tortilla - "And by peaceful you mean boring."

Cactus - "Speaking of boring, your mom was boring in bed last night. Still covered her in sour cream though....if you catch my drift."

Tortilla - "That's it!" Tortilla leaps at Cactus but is immediately wounded by the Cactus pricks.

Tortilla - "Ouch! You prick!"

Waitress (comes up to table) - "So may I start you two with some beverages."

Cactus - "Some water please, I've been in a desert for the past few years. I'm fucking thirsty."

Tortilla - "Watch your language around a lady. I apologize about him, he is uncivilized. I on the other hand am civilized. What are you doing later?" Tortilla winks at Waitress.

Waitress - "I'm sorry....but I am taken by a flour tortilla. I am not into corn tortillas like you."

Tortilla - "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Drops to his tortilla knees and shouts towards the sky in despair.

Cactus (twirls his prickly moustache and laughs like if he was a super villain) - "Muahahahaha! Muahahahahaha. Muahahahaha!"

Cactus (hands the waitress $5 when the tortilla isn't looking because he is too busy sobbing. He whispers to the waitress) -"Thanks for that."


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