The Mid-Day Show With Bob Sanders (Interview #1)

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Inside a studio with a live audience.

Bob Sanders - "Hello and welcome to everyone's favorite midday talk show: The Mid-Day Show with me, your host, Bob Sanders. Ladies and gentlemen I am eager to introduce you to our revered guest that is here with us today. Renowned music video director, Omar Ghazali!" (Bob begins clapping)

(The crowd stands up and cheers, Omar Ghazali comes out. Bob playfully bows to Omar and then they shake hands and sit down. The crowd quiets down and sits down as well)

Omar Ghazali - "I am going to have to correct you Bob."

Bob - "What do you mean?"

Omar - "I am more than just a *air quotes* Music video director, *end air quotes* I like to also consider myself a dream weaver, some have even called me a shaman. I make dreams come to life, I make fantasies realities, I make wine from water."

Bob - "My sincerest apologies."

Omar (slightly peeved) - "Apology accepted, now start again."

Bob - "Okay, I am here with famous music video director, dream weaver and externally proclaimed shaman, Omar Ghazali. Omar, it is a pleasure to have you on sir."

Omar - "You are blessed to have me on."

Bob - "Indeed I am. So let me just get right into it. What made you want to start directing music videos?"

Omar - "To quote Lady Gaga, I was born this way."

Bob - "What would you be doing if you weren't a music video director?"

Omar - "I'd probably be researching how to become one."

Bob - "So when did you start directing?"

Omar - "Well Bob, if memory serves me right, I believe I started as a fetus while still in the womb. The exact day was when I finally developed hands, though I vividly remember wanting to direct even before then. My mother swallowed all the components of a video camera after I communicated to her that I wanted a video camera through a form of morse code by kicking her stomach at varied durations. I was obviously an extremely precocious child."

Bob - "Indeed you were, that's fascinating."

Omar - "Yes. I then reconstructed that digested video camera and began to do what I was created to do. I did an autobiographical work and filmed my time and growth in the womb. I combined it with the beautiful melodies of my mother's stomach rumblings and created a sort of Tarkovsky-esque film, but a lot less boring."

Bob (impressed) - Wow! That is truly incredible. Well, it is obvious to most, especially after that anecdote, that you are a very talented and unique individual. Fervent fans of yours have claimed that there is nothing you can't do, is that true?"

Omar - "It is close to the truth, but I would be arrogant to say that I can do everything. There are of course some things I can't do, I am human...Though there are scientific debates currently going on that may prove that statement false."

Bob - "May I ask what those things are that you cannot do?"

Omar - "I can't change a tire, I can't tie a bowline knot, and I can't harpoon a whale. But what I can do is direct a music video...and goddamnit am I good at it. I won't lie to you...sometimes I am even terrified of my own talent. It is as if I am a vessel for the muses and they work their magic through my lenses, through my hands, through my words and direction. My guidance is equivalent to the great navigators of Europe. I have an eye that not only competes, but dethrones the big brother eye in the sky from George Orwell's 1984 dystopian society. I see all, I know all, and I am capable of turning any song into a dreamscape of wonders."

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