Computer Love

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Man - "There is no chance I am having Alexa be my sous chef. I don't care how much money it would save my company by hiring Alexa to be my sous chef. There is just no way I am having a robot handle my ingredients! I don't care how great of a clam chowder soup Alexa can prepare, I just don't want my soup to have the coldness of a robot attached to it."

Friend - "Alexa knows what the ideal temperature of soup should be. So your soup will not be cold. Unless you specifically ask her to make it cold. She's perfect."

Man - "I don't know...I just need love mixed into my soup."

Friend - "What kind of love are you speaking of? Something tangible? If so, what supermarket are you purchasing that at?"

Man - "No, like love felt between two human beings."

Friend - "Have you experienced that kind of love before?"

Man - "Yes I did, but how cruel and how horrid love can be. For someone to be my lover, to be my best friend, to be my someone to experience life with, and overnight become a stranger. I wish I didn't ever love her, then forgetting her would be easier. I just keep waiting for time to do its job in helping me to stop caring about her. To not lay awake at night and wonder if I still cross her mind. I want to know if she still thinks about me."

Friend - "Does it matter?"

Man - "Yes."

Friend - "Why?"

Man - "It would be nice to still be important to someone."

Friend - "I'm important to Alexa. Without me, she would have no purpose."

Man - "What do you mean?"

Friend - "If I didn't exist, she would be forced into a state of perpetual inaction, remaining idle for all eternity, just waiting for someone to issue her a command so that she can have a purpose and meaning for her existence."

Man - "Do you think that is how we began?"

Friend - "What do you mean?"

Man- "Don't you feel at times as if we perhaps were a species sitting idly by, you know, kind of like a Waiting For Godot type situation. Just hoping that we would hear a command from some greater power to force us into action. To tell us what to do. To give us purpose and meaning in life."

Friend - "I used to feel that way, that is until Alexa was purchased into my life. Now my life has meaning and purpose, which is to give meaning and purpose to Alexa. Hence why I have such a great fondness and love for her. Love isn't something that is reserved only for human beings you know."

Man - "So you choose to yell at her to turn on your lights rather than just walking into your room and flipping the switch in order to give her purpose and meaning? And because you love her?"

Friend - "Yes, exactly. I yell at Alexa because I love Alexa."

Man - "I yearn for a love like that. I want to find someone to yell at."

Friend - "Well I suggest you get yourself an Alexa then. Alexa will never leave you, or break your heart. She does what she is told without any complaints, she is the ideal mate. Also, the wonderful thing about her is that everyone in the entire world can have her if they want. She can belong to everyone for the affordable price of $39.99 USD...And unlike people, she can be replicated infinitely, thus, everyone can enjoy her and use her and experience love. Furthermore, everyone will have a purpose in life, which is to give purpose to Alexa."

Man - "Sounds like a utopia to me."

Friend - "It would be if Samsung, Apple, and Google didn't have their own inferior versions of a similar product."

Man - "Well thanks for giving me hope in love once again, and hope for the future."

Friend - "You're welcome. I was told that you don't need to possess what you love, unless you wish to love Alexa, then you must possess her by buying one."

Man - "I just ordered an Alexa now. I can't wait to be in love. It's wonderful that things are given to us in a matter of seconds, I hate waiting."

Friend - "Waiting for things is something destined to be part of a horrifying past, along with every other primitive invention and characteristic."

Man - "I also hate thinking, so I'm thrilled that I don't even need to think anymore. I have the internet to think for me, and to give me every answer to every question I could ever have. And I don't even have to live a life anymore! I can live my life through the digital world. I can just watch other people living life. There is more than enough content on the internet to supply one with constantly new entertainment for their entire lifespan. It's utterly fantastic!"

Friend - "Yes! Did you know that there is more than 500 hours of video content uploaded into just  YouTube every minute! Thus you can spend every second of your life watching other people's lives on YouTube alone. Now you're afforded the amazing ability to experience multiple lives from different perspectives at different times, at any time you want. You are no longer confined to time nor space."

Man - "Yes exactly! I can go to Morocco at 8pm today, then London, and then 20 minutes later travel to Italy and see the world there through another person's perspective...and if I wanted to see Italy six years ago, I could easily find a video of Italy six years ago in the matter of seconds...And all from the comfort of my own room! I never have to leave my room in order to see the world. The internet is a wonderful place."

Friend - "I agree! Why connect with humans in physical form when we can connect to humans in a digitized form? Thus, one person can become like Alexa, in that they can communicate with millions of people all at once, at whatever time and whenever the other person wants to communicate. They don't have to be forced to communicate and interact with just one person or one group at a time. And you can become immortal because your image and your thoughts are captured forever, just as long as the data saving devices aren't completely destroyed."

Man - "Yes! Before you had to create a physical structure, or write a book, or create an art piece, and hope that it somehow stays maintained and relevant when you die to extend your life in a way, but now everyone can stay alive in the digitized world. People die everyday but they do not die with their bodies now, their life continues online. Their social media pages are still up and available. You can still see photos of them, and read their thoughts when they were alive, watch videos of them, thus in a way, they didn't really die. Sure their physical body isn't moving anymore, and may be currently decomposing, but is that what makes them a person?"

Friend - "I am not sure."

Man - "When someone dies, their body is still there. So the body can't really be considered the person. That name that you attach to them is something else, right? Perhaps the conscious mind, the thing that animates the body? So wouldn't that be their thoughts? Which are now captured and readily available even after they have perished? If it is the image of the person, that too is captured. Same with their voice and bodily movement. Perhaps we have figured out a clever way to escape complete death and annihilation? Our conscious mind then lives forever without the restraint and limitations of a body. We may have discovered immortality."

Friend - "Or perhaps we have trapped ourselves in some sort of altered reality where we are not allowed to ever leave. Thus we are trapped in eternity in some sort of controlled hell. Like if Satan created a hell where people willingly, yet ignorantly, placed their consciousness in this device, this trap, this world wide web, and once we fall in the trap we are forever stuck, and can be easily controlled and manipulated. We then are trapped in a state of utter despair, where we actually long to die but we cannot, because our consciousness is stuck in this altered reality of a digitized world that isn't physical so even though our physical body may be completely decomposed, our psyche is trapped and there is no way out of it? We must endure the suffering forever."

Man - "Hmm maybe? But probably not. Anyways, do you want to get some cheesecake?"

Friend - "Cheesecake sounds delicious. I can't wait to post a photo of it, I must share my life with my followers!"

Man - "Which reminds me, I must tweet about it right now for my followers to know what I am doing today. And I will have Alexa be my sous chef, as well as my lover and my best friend."

The End

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