The Bruised Peach

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There once was a bruised peach, he was so bruised that he was blue. He didn't notice he was blue, he didn't know he was different.

Other peaches continually informed him that he was different. They also envied his blue color.

The peach doctor said that blue peaches were sweeter than yellow and orange peaches combined. When the other peaches heard this, they turned green with envy and became sour.

Some of these jealous peaches even began to rot, smell and become mushy. The peach monster loved mushy, rotten and smelly peaches; so the peach monster gathered these rotten peaches and made them into mashed peaches, his favorite dish! He then devoured all of these rotten, jealous peaches and shit them out a few days later.

The bruised peach on the other hand, continued to grow sweeter and sweeter and lived happily ever after.

The End. 

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