The Sons Of Liberty: Act 1

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Inside the secret clubhouse of the Sons of Liberty, the year is 1775. People begin to congregate, and are conversing before the meeting begins.

Patrick Henry (good-natured) - Sir Paul Revere! Good to see you sir.

Paul Revere - Sir Patrick Henry! Fantastic to see you sir. (they shake hands amiably)

Patrick Henry - How is everything? How is the family? How is work?

Paul Revere (fiercely animated) - Terrible! Ever since the British imposed the Intolerable Acts, my business has fallen into financial ruin! I'm broke, my landlord is chomping at my heels, the tax collectors are banging at my door, I stepped in horse shit on the way here, my first wife just died, and my new wife won't get off my back! And my damn kids won't shut their damn mouths! And I have 16 of them Patrick! Six-teen!

Patrick Henry - What are they clamoring about if I may ask?

Paul Revere - They keep telling me they are hungry, and I just point at my wife and tell them, "That is where all your food is going. Take it up with her."

Patrick Henry - I'm so sorry to hear that hard times have fallen upon you Paul.

Paul Revere - It's alright, my favorite daughter caught the entrepreneurial bug like her father. She nobly decided to help support the family by selling lemons to all the neighborhood children looking to sell lemonade. She understood that being a supplier was where the real money was.

Patrick Henry - That is brilliant! You have yourself a very precocious child.

Paul Revere (very emotional) - Indeed I do, but they shut her down Patrick! They shut down my own kin! Can you believe it?!

Patrick Henry (appalled) - Why would they do such an awful thing?

Paul Revere - They were upset with her selling lemons.

Patrick Henry - Who was? Who are they?

Paul Revere - They are the British Anti-Citrus League. They are against all things tart...not to mention the quality of her lemons were subpar if I'm being honest. She was trying to squeeze everything she could out of the lemons, so she cut a lot of corners. She even had my youngest spray the lemons with some lemon scented febreze to give them a more appealing and attractive smell ya know?... and to keep all the pests off of course.

(John Hancock walks in the scene with a friendly smile)

John Hancock - Why can't they leave our people alone?

Paul Revere (huge smile) - John Freaking Hancock. (hugs John warmly)

Patrick Henry (warmly smiling) - Well I'll be, Johnny Big Signature Hancock here in the flesh. (shakes hands with John)

(Samuel Adams walks into the scene)

Samuel Adams (ensuring his presence is known) - Oh oh! Men grab your wives and keep a close eye on your daughters because the sexiest man in Boston just walked into the room. Hey yo!

John Hancock - Thank you Sam, but I already walked in.

Samuel Adams - Ha, funny. But keep your day job John. What's up Patrick? (gives a head nod to Patrick)

Patrick Henry (a warm smile) - Sir Samuel Adams, delighted you could make it.

Samuel Adams - Of course, who wants a beer? (pulls out beer)

Benedict Arnold (appears) - I would love some tea, but you and your goons seemed to have ruined that for us.

Samuel Adams - I will ruin your face if you don't change that tone.

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