The Wife and The Husband

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Wife - You will love what I just bought, it is marvelous honey. Just absolutely marvelous.

Man - Honey, what do you mean you bought something "MARVELOUS?" I said for you to either buy something that was Marvel, or Less. This is neither! Do you not listen? Do you not care? You know what, give me that Tiffany & Co. bracelet back!

Wife - You can't have it back.

Man - Why not?

Wife - Because it has my name on it. See! (points to the engraving of her name on the bracelet)

Man - Damn...You are right.

Wife - I'm always right.

Man - You are right.

Wife - I know...I just told you I'm always right. You never listen to me!

Man - Fuck you I listen!

Wife - Really? What did I say yesterday at dinner then? You know...What happened at work? I talked about it throughout the whole dinner...all 30 minutes of it.

The man is nervously sweating because he doesn't remember. He apprehensively responds.

Man - Uhhh...Ummm...Uh...Your boss was being an asshole?

Wife - Oh my gosh honey...You really do listen! (She smiles and runs up to him and gives him a big hug)

Man shrugs shoulders and smiles

The End

The Greatest Myths, Legends, Fables, Fairy Tales, & Short Stories Ever Told.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora