This was requested by CelestialMage63 from Wattpad. This takes place during the Archon war. Zhongli already established Liyue by this point. (tsundere) got rejected into an art course at the community college here in my state....they needed 10-15 portfolio pieces...because of Covid last year...I wasn't able to finish my potfolio...I worked form 7:30am to 5:30pm to get it all done...and I submitted it...they said my art isn't equivalent to their drawing 1 technically my skills are below that...I'm....I'm not in a good mood rn...but writing distracts maybe my major is going to change soon....
"Crap!" (Y/n) yelled as massive amount of snow had fallen on top of her head. Her head popped out from the snow, her nose and cheeks as red as cherries. Why is she out in the snow? Well, because she was traveling around Teyvat, wanting to see the nations that have been established. (Y/n) already established her own nation, but right now the Energiro Archon wanted to see how her fellow Archons currently are doing.
"You sure are reckless an unaware of your surroundings, aren't you?" The voice of a familiar Yaksha. Xiao sighed, and grabbed (Y/n) by the back of her dress, and pulled her out of the snow. He was now the only one holding her up by the back of her dress, and the Archon's feet weren't touching the ground. "How did you survive for this long?"
"Excuse me just so you remember I am an Archon!" (Y/n) yelled, kicking her legs and flailed her arms, but he was not letting her go. "Of course I am surviving! I fought a war! I survived! Do remember that!"
"You are way too loud," Xiao sighed, gently setting (Y/n) down on her feet. "What are you doing here anyways? I thought you were setting up your own nation."
"I already finished," (Y/n) said, brushing the snow off of her dress and out of her hair. "And I'm here because I wanted to see my dear older brother. What's wrong with wanting to see family?"
"You two are related?" Xiao asked, not really catching on to whatever (Y/n) was saying.
"Well, not blood related, obviously," (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. "He's like an older brother, since he's always taken care of me since the day I came into this world."
"You really shouldn't be traveling out at this time of the season," Xiao said, looking up at the grey sky. "The clouds are getting darker, there's a snow storm coming. You really should not be traveling when a snow storm is on it's way."
"Awe, is someone worried about me?" (Y/n) teased, poking Xiao's cheek softly. She's known the Yaksha for quite a while. The first time she met him, was when her brother had saved him from a God using his own name against him. (Y/n) started to try and pry answers out of him, to which caused him to give her the cold shoulder. "No need to worry about me. I have enough Everflame Seeds to last me at least a month." She opened her bag, showing the contents inside.
"I do not see any Everflame Seeds." Xiao looked inside, not seeing said things.
"What!?" (Y/n) yelled, and looked into her bag. There were indeed, no Everflame Seeds. "Where did my Everflame Seeds go!? I know I packed them! I didn't use them up already did I?!"
"Must you always yell and scream?" Xiao asked, giving the girl an annoyed look. "You are going to attract unwanted attention to us, and I would prefer not to fight any Demons that may appear."
"Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever seen a demon before," (Y/n) said, focus now on what a demon could possibly look like. "Are they scary? Or are they cool? Wait is it true they have these sharp teeth and glowing red eyes?! Oh gosh I don't wanna meet one!"
"If you do, I am not saving your butt." Xiao said, heading to Liyue Harbor to meet with his superior. "And just so you know, if we run into any other thing that looks like it will kill you, I am not saving you. You said you survived the Archon War. If you survived that, then you can survive an attack from anything."
"Wait! No! Don't leave me here!" (Y/n) yelled, and ran over to Xiao and clung to his arm. "I don't wanna deal with anything! It's not fun and I hate fighting things in the snow!"
"Let go of me you brat!"
"I'm older then you!"
"Please, explain why you both look so cold," Morax said, handing the two some tea to help warm them up.
"Because this idiot ran into a Cryo Regesvine, and begged me to save her," Xiao took the tea and sipped it. "She boasted about surviving the war, even though she was screaming for help from me to save her sorry ass from the Cryo Regesvine."
"Those things are huge!" (Y/n) gratefully took the cup from Morax's hands, and sipped the contents of the cup. "I didn't know yours were so big! The Cryo Regesivnes in Nishati are much smaller than yours, and way less scary!"
"Why are you here, Bia?" Morax asked, a little surprised to be seeing his little sister to be making a sudden visit to his nation. "I thought you were in your own nation still establishing the government."
"Oh, I already did that," (Y/n) smiled. "I make it so the people elect a human representative to work along side me for a certain amount of time. I don't think having some kind of king or queen is a good idea."
"Not bad thinking," Morax patted (Y/n)'s head softly. "But you really should not be traveling when a snow storm is on it's way. Do we need a repeat from last year? When you got caught in a snow storm and you were frozen in ice for a week?"
(Y/n) flinched, hoping he wouldn't bring that memory back. ""
"I thought so," Morax sighed. "Xiao, bring her to the guest room please. I will go prepare dinner."
"No!" (Y/n) and Xiao both yelled. The last time they let Morax into the kitchen, the place nearly burned down, there was smoke everywhere, and you can say bye bye to those pots and pans.
"I'll do the cooking, ok?" Xiao asked, not wanting his superior to ruin another set of pots and pans. "You will bring Bia to the guest room."
"Please," (Y/n) said, setting her bag on the floor next to the shoe rack. She already took her shoes off, and now were wearing slippers. "I can cook. Morax, please bring my bag to my room, I'll start cooking."
"You, cook?" Xiao asked with a huff. "I doubt that. How many people did you poison with your food?"
"Excuse me, how do you know I've poisoned someone with my cooking?" (Y/n) asked, taking off her jacket and put it on the coat hanger. "If you didn't know, it was Morax who decided to add something to my cooking, that gave those people food poisoning."
"You sure? Or was it your undercooked meat that did that?" Xiao asked.
"I didn't even put meat in that pot." (Y/n) huffed, and stomped off to the kitchen. "Move aside boys. I'm cooking dinner tonight."
"Oh no you don't," Xiao said and ran into the kitchen. "I do not trust you in there!"
"I can cook! So get out!"
"You'll burn yourself like last time!"
"Because you distracted me!"
"Just get out and let me do it!"
Morax sighed, and sat down on the floor in front of a table, sipping some tea. "Oh well. At least I get to eat."

Genshin Impact Oneshots (Fem!Reader) [REQUESTS CLOSED]
RomanceJust a bunch of Genshin Impact oneshots with the guys and girls. Hope you all enjoy!