This one shot was requested b M_A_Azalea_White from some platform. Sorry, I forgot to write who came from where because I'm running on very little sleep.
Also, just as a reminder, I am Chinese, not African American. I did try and describe what, to me, African Americans look like without sounding racist or offend anyone. So to any of my African American readers, if I had described anything that doesn't sit right with you or wrote something that doesn't sit right with you, please let me know ASAP so I can change/take it out. Thank you.
Also, I'm working on one of my older computers. One of my computers is downstairs (my good one) and then here's my really old one, so hopefully everything saves and works correctly on this one so it's easier for me to edit things with my better computer. Cya guys!
"You really should stop drinking so much," (Y/n) said, walking through Nishati with her old friend. Why was the Archon of Anemo and Archon of Energiro walking around Nishati? Well, Venti wanted to come and visit (Y/n) in her own home country, mostly for the reason of wanting to have some of Nishati's whiskies. He may be a wine person, but with how good the alcohol is that (Y/n)'s country produces, he just has to have it. "The last time I had let you have so much alcohol to drink, you nearly spilled embarrassing secrets about the rest of us to the humans. We do not need them to think we're all just major screw ups. I really don't want my people to know my embaressing secrets."
"Oh come on (Y/n), you and Morax were able to stop me before I announced something to everyone," Venti waved it off like it was no problem. "Besides, if memory serves correctly, the secrets I was gonna say was going to be something tame."
"Even if you consider it tame, those are secrets we trust you with," (Y/n) sighed, almost ready to whack Venti on the head. "So if you say anything that I don't want my people to hear about, I'm going to feed you to monstrous creatures in my world, and even you aren't going to last for long."
"And you can?" Venti challenged.
"Of course I can," (Y/n) huffed. "This is my country, of course I can handle the things that come my way with this area. So nice try Venti, but you really aren't going to win when it comes to beating me in my own territory. And I know for a fact that I can beat anything in your territory, even that wolf."
"I'd like to see you try." Venti stuck his tongue out and crossed his arms, a smile on his face.
"Challenge accepted," Bia said, walking towards one of the local bars. Both archons were wearing hoods over their heads, to make sure they don't attract too much attention. "Now come on, you wanna have some Nishati whiskey, so you're going to have some. And I promise, I ahve some wine from Mondstadt imported."
"Heck yeah!"
Diluc walked around the busy city, cloke over his shoulders and a hood hiding his crimson red hair. He was traveling around Nishati to look for any information about a Delusion. After his father's death, he decided to travel around Teyvat to look for answers, his last destination was Nishati.
The first place he thought of to start asking questions, was a bar. There's always someone with information at a bar, he would know. Besides, people who are drunk usually tell the truth.
"Excuse me," The young man walked up to a Nishati resident, a women with tightly braided hair and beautiful dark skin. Her eyes were as rich as chocolate and as bright as the stars. Her round body looked beautiful in the traditional Nishati clothing. She is indeed, a very beautiful women. She was busy using a contraption "Do you know where the closest bar is?"

Genshin Impact Oneshots (Fem!Reader) [REQUESTS CLOSED]
RomanceJust a bunch of Genshin Impact oneshots with the guys and girls. Hope you all enjoy!