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"Wait, I'm doing what now?" (Y/n) asked as she sat on one of her statues. You know how each nation has a statue of their Archon? Yeah, (Y/n) is currently sitting at hers. She had a seat like Rex Lapis, but instead of leaning on her side like the rest of her statues, she sat with her ankles crossed, and hands gently sitting on her lap. She'll have Audre hire someone carve her current sitting position, since she can't always be at one of the statues. She has things she needs to get done. "Barbs, you know I'm not the best at playing the Dihua flute, you're more suited for that."

        "Please Bia?" Venti begged, practically on his hands and knees, begging the older Archon to do this for him.

        "Barbatos, why must I do it?" (Y/n) asked. "You've been doing this for so long, but why must I do it? This is a tradition you and the Yaksha have been doing together, I do not want to break that tradition."

        "Because I have something really important to do," Venti said. "And tonight is the only night where the clouds aren't going to be in front of the moon, and none the less a full moon! Please (Y/n)! We have to preserve the Yaksha's memory!"

        (Y/n) sighed softly. "Alright, but you owe me big time for this, since I had a metting tonight with Audre."

        "Thank you!" Venti flew up and hugged (Y/n) tightly. "Thank you Bia! You're the best! You're amazing! A perfect Archon!"

        "Barbatos! I cannot breathe!" (Y/n) yelled, trying to pry the younger God off of her.  "Please release me!"

        Sitting on a rock that barley sat above the water, (Y/n) held the Dihua Flute in hand. Venti tossed it to her before he took off, making the girl question why she had agreed to do this. Why? Because she cares for Barbatos and she cares for the Yaksha, who had once saved her from a vengeful god from piercing her heart.

        She held the flute in her hands, and brought the mouth piece close to her lips. She blew into the flute, and started playing the song that Venti had always played when she would listen to him play. Venti even taught her how to play, even though (Y/n) insisted she wasn't the best as playing flute.

        (Y/n) had to be honest with herself, she thought she was doing better than she expected. The last time she played, Venti was still teaching her, and she was horrible. She did practice for a couple hundred years, but she was nowhere close to what Venti's playing sounded like.

        "I wasn't expecting to see you," A familiar serious voice made (Y/n) stop playing. "What are you doing here anyways?"

        (Y/n) put the flute on her lap and turned to face the Yaksha. "Hello to you too, Xiao. Barbatos had asked me to play the Dihua flute tonight since he will be busy with something important. Since I'm the only other Archon who's able to play, Barbatos asked me to do it."

        "Who knew," Xiao sat down on a rock just above the water as well, putting away his Primordial Jade Winged-Spear. "Do mortals still believe you do not exist? I can show them."

        "No need to," (Y/n) smiled softly, waving off his request. "Most of my country believe I exist. Besides, my people are starting to become more independent and are able to most things on their own. They still need some help, but independence is a good thing for them, it tells me my job is closer to finished."

        "What do you plan on doing once you're finished?" Xiao asked, just making some small conversation with the Energiro Archon. They get along, nothing wrong with that.

        "Who knows, maybe I'll stay as the Energiro Archon to protect my people, or I'll retire, and let my Gnosis go to the next Energiro Archon who's born," (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. She hasn't thought that far into the future. "Retiring sounds nice. Settle down in one of the smaller villages, and who knows, I might find someone I would wish to have a family with."

        "Who bound yourself to such trivial thoughts?" Xiao asked, rolling his eyes. "If you take a human as a spouse, there's already a low chance of 2 gods conceiving a child, not to mention a human. Ganyu just so happened to be one of the lucky ones who was conceived. I suggest you remain as the Energiro Archon, your people will need you for longer than you think."

        "Really now?" (Y/n) asked. "Why do you say that?"

        "The inventions you come up with?" Xiao asked. "The diplomatic relationships? You're not going to find an Archon like that in a million years. Your people are lucky to have you, such as Liyue is lucky to have Morax. You remain in your position, taking on a spouse will only weigh you down."

        "Oh come now," (Y/n) laughed a little. "I don't plan on taking a spouse any time soon. I want to first make sure my people have everything they need before I take some time to focus on myself."

        Xiao just huffed, and rolled his eyes.

        (Y/n) just continued to smile, before she brought the flute back to her lips, and started to play. She did agree to the Dihua flute all night until the sun came up, keeping Xiao's memories preserved.

        Xiao closed his eyes, and listened to the girl play. He's not going to complain. He had heard (Y/n) play once when he just traveled around Teyvat bored. There was no bad karma, and there was no wrath of fallen gods to take care of. He thought he should see how (Y/n) was doing, since her and Morax were the closest through the Archon War. He had to admit, she was horrible the first time he heard her, and now, it sounds so pleasant to the ears.

        "How did it go?" Venti asked, sitting on top of his large statue with a wine bottle in hand.

        "I would say it went nice," (Y/n) smiled, sipping on some (favorite non-alcoholic drink). "We talked for a while, I played the flute, we ate some Almond Tofu, talked some more, and then I played until the sun rose He did disappear once the sun came out. But now I need to sleep, I'm so tired..."

        "Alright!" Venti smiled. "How about you take a nap up here? It's better if you sleep here instead of try and head to Nishati."

        "I guess." (Y/n) yawned.

        Venti watched as his fellow Archon started to nod off, falling to the side. Luckily she would land in his statues hands, but her head would hurt. He was about to try and catch her, before a Yaksha had caught the girl in his arms.

        "X-" Venti was cut off by Xiao pressing his hand over Venti's mouth.

        "Remain quiet," Xiao said, his voice barley above a whisper. "Do you wish to interrupt her sleep and make her more tired?"

        Venti shook his head.

        Xiao took his hand off of the fellow immortals mouth. "Go, I will remain here with her."

        "Have fun." Venti waved goodbye, a large teasing smile on his face. Oh he was so going to tease (Y/n) and blackmail her once she wakes up.

        Xiao shifted himself so he was now sitting with one leg laying on it's side and the other with his foot down and his knee closer to his chest. He sat (Y/n) down on the leg laying down while her back would rest against his other leg. He kept one arm around her shoulders as the other was resting across her waist. He just looked down at the people in the land of the wind, enjoying the quietness with (Y/n) in his arms.

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