"Aether! Jump off the top of the statue with me!" (Y/n) yelled from the top of the Barbatos statue. She was frantically waving, wanting to have some fun with the Traveler. "We'll have a race to see who can reach the gates faster!"
"(Y/n)! Paimon doesn't think that is such a good idea!" Paimon yelled from the ground, with Aether looking up at the girl. "You could get really hurt and Paimon doesn't know if Barbra would be able to fix your injuries!"
"Heck yeah!" Aether yelled, and started climbing up the statue as well to race the girl. He ignored Paimons protests, and got to the arms stretched out, and then started climbing up the hood to join the girl. "You're on!"
"This is not a good idea!" Paimon yelled from the hands. She had followed her travel buddy up, but refused to fly next to him during the race. There was no way she was joining them, mostly for the reason of (Y/n) could possibly crash into something and then they'd have to explain what happened to her to Diluc. That was a can of worms Paimon was too afraid to open. "Master Diluc is going to be so mad if you get hit by something! Or if you crash! Or if you die!"
"Paimon, everything is going to be fine," (Y/n) waved if off like there was nothing to be worried about. "Besides! if something goes wrong, I can use the Hurricane Seed to give us a little bit of a boost. Nothing wrong with that, right?"
"Right," Aether said. "Now then, are you ready to race?"
"Heck yeah!"
"Heck no!" A familiar voice made both of the people stiffen up, and look down. There, standing on the ground with a very angry look, was Diluc. "Get down from there right now! Both of you!"
"Awe come on Diluc!" (Y/n) whined. "We were just gonna have a gliding race!"
"Get down here before you end up getting hurt!" Diluc yelled, crossing his arms over his chest. He was not happy with the current situation, especially with (Y/n). "Especially you, (Y/n)! You're more accident prone than Bennett!"
"Not true!" (Y/n) pouted, crossing her arms and huffed. "I'm almost as accident prone..."
"I heard that! Now get down from there and don't drag Aether into doing something stupid!"
"Ok ok we're coming down!" (Y/n) said, and started climbing down the statue with the blonde following close behind.
"I can't believe you thought that was a good idea," Diluc was currently scolding (Y/n) at Angel's Share. Aether was just watching the two interact at the bar, sipping on some water, feeling like a third wheel, or fourth cause of Paimon sipping on water too. "You're so stupid sometimes. Remind me why I married you?"
"Because you fell in love with me after I met Kaeya and he brought me to meet you, along with saying how cute of a couple that we would make," (Y/n) teased, elbow resting on the bar counter and her chin on her hand. "Your face got so red with embarrassment. Now that was one of the funniest things that I have ever seen in my entire life. Except for the time you had tripped over one of the bar stools with a bunch of drinks in hand, and spilled them all over Kaeya. Now that was good."
"Don't bring that up," Diluc sighed, rolling his eyes. "No one needs to hear about that kinda stuff, ok?"
At that time, (Y/n) had taken a younger human form, one that would grow up like a normal human. Why did she take on that form? Because she was curious about humans. She wanted to know much more about humans, and the best way was looking like one of them. But she had to admit, taking on a younger persons look was not what she was hoping for, with all the perverted people out in the world. Well hey, at least she got to grow up with a couple of humans she got attached too, one of them more than she was expecting. "Oh poo. Just chill Diluc. It's good to have some time for fun! Especially since we don't live forever."

Genshin Impact Oneshots (Fem!Reader) [REQUESTS CLOSED]
RomanceJust a bunch of Genshin Impact oneshots with the guys and girls. Hope you all enjoy!