This was requested by WaterMizu from Quotev
"(Y/n)!" A familiar young voice made the girl look up from her book. There, standing in front of her, was a familiar navy blu haired boy and golden amber eyes. The bookworm. "Nose in a book as always I see."
"It's quite enjoyable," (Y/n) smiled, and closed the book. She showed him the front cover, a big smile on her face. "This book is about life somewhere very far from Teyvat! Its so interesting!"
"A book made by people not form Teyvat?" Xingqui asked, taking a loook at the title of the book. "Stories form outside of Teyvat can be quite interesting. Is it alright if I can read it with you?"
"Sorry, but (Y/n) has agreed to get some ice cream with me," A different voice made the two look to the side, seeing Chongyun. He had a popsicle in his mouth to help keep himself cold and not go crazy. "Sorry Xingqui."
"Then how about I join you both!" Xingqui cheered, draping his arms on both of their shoulders. There wa son way he was letting Chongyun get to spend time with (Y/n) all by himself. "Ice cream sounds pretty good! Especially since today is such a hot day!"
"Ooo!" (Y/n) smiled brightly. "Let's go get some food! It'll be great to catch up with you guys!"
The two smiled as they watched the girl talk to the librarian to buy the book. When she wasn't looking, they both looked at each other with a glare. neither one of them were going to let the other spend more time with (Y/n) than themselves (that probably was worded weirdly).
"So why are you here?" Chongyun asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I was going to spend time with the lovely (Y/n)," Xingqui smirked a little. "I was going to d some books with her, since hat is one of her favorite hobbies."
"But (Y/n) and I were going to have some ice cream," Chongyun said, sighing. "I was going to get her her favorite ice cream today, but here you are ruining my little plans with her."
"Like I would let you go on a date with her or something," Xingqui said. Both of them started having this random shadow between their their eyes, with a look of annoyance quite obvious on their faces. "Might I suggest just leaving her to me? I'm sure she'd enjoy a nice book date with me in a quite place."
"I think she'd prefer to get some food," Chongyun said, his eye slightly twitching. "She loves having ice cream on the days that Liyue is the most warm. I'm sure shed much prefer ice cream instead of reading some books today."
The two continued to glare at one another, before (Y/n) patted them both on the head gently. They broke eye contact, and looked at the girl smiling at them.
"Best we be going!" (Y/n) walked between them and down the stairs. "Come on! I wanna get some ice cream!"
Chongyun smirked, and followed whined the girl while Xingqui, started thinking, and followed close behind.
"Way too cold!" Xingqui yelled, his hand over his mouth as he tried to get his teeth to go back to their normal temperature ure. "How the heck can both of you just bite into this stuff?!"
"I'm used to it," Chongyun shrugged his shoulders as he took another bite form his popsicle. "You've never had ice cream as often as we had, so your teeth are quite sensitive."
"But it gets better over time!" (Y/n) smiled, putting a spoonful of (favorite flavor) ice cream in her mouth. She had no problem with the cold in her teeth because of how often she has these cold treats with Chongyun. "Trust me! It gets a lot better."
"How often do you two get sweets together?" Xingqui asked, just licking the ice cream this time, not wanting to get his teeth to hurt again. "cause if (Y/n)'s teeth are completely alright, then it must be quite often."
"We get ice cream together maybe, 2-3 times a week?" (Y/n) wondered. She honestly forgot how many times she goes and get ice cream with Chongyun. Time moves slowly for her, mostly for the reason of her being an Archon. Time feels like nothing when it comes to a God.
"Why so often!?" Xingqui yelled. he was not happy with that answer.
"Well, i like sweets!" (Y/n) smiled, and took another spoonful of ice cream to her mouth. "And because of Liyue's climate, it rarely gets cold around here, so ice cream is the cold treat I'll be able to get without having to leave Liyue.
Chongyun smirked. One point for him."Oh, by the way Xingqui," (Y/n) had suddenly remembered something she wanted to ask the boy. "Do you know when I'll be able to come over to your house again? I wanted to borrow some more books from your library, if that's alright."
"You've been over to his house?" Chongyun asked, way more calm than when Xingqui had asked. "How often do you two meet up?"
"The last time I was over at his house...." (Y/n) had to think for a moment. "About 3 days ago. I've already finished all the books that he let me borrow, so now I wanna borrow some more."
Now it was Xingqui's turn to smirk. One point to him.
"You can come over whenever you are free enough," Xingqui turned his attention to the girl. "You are always welcome to my house whenever you wish to visit."
"Thank you!" The girl smiled.
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Beidou yelled while walking over to the three teenagers. "The ship is ready to sail! You wanna go on an adventure with me and the crew?!"
"Ooo!" The girl smiled brightly. "That sounds amazing! I'll join you right now!"
"Wait! What about us?!" The boys asked, not wanting the time with (Y/n) to be cut short.
"Sorry boys, but Beidou and I have been planning an adventure with her crew about 2 months now," (Y/n) finished her ice cream, and hugged the boys happily. "I'll see you guys in a few days, alright? Bye!" And off she went.
The boys watched as the girl ran off to go on an adventure without them.
"She's still going to chose me over you."
"I throughly doubt it."
"Just wait and see."
"Watch as she'll become my girlfriend."
"You mean my girlfriend."
"I meant mine."

Genshin Impact Oneshots (Fem!Reader) [REQUESTS CLOSED]
RomanceJust a bunch of Genshin Impact oneshots with the guys and girls. Hope you all enjoy!